K-State Radio Agriculture Today –Host Eric Atkinson This is a service provided by K-State Extension Radio. All interviews are public domain, and you do not need a release nor does the radio station to use the material. For his information, Eric would just like to know where it is being used if it is not one of the affiliates.
Who Hears You Agriculture Today –KFRM a.m., M-F Affilates (see list) –40 + stations
Doing Interviews On Site Over the Phone (not cell) Tongue Tied during the interview
Interview Topics General in Nature –meetings, training (range management), tours –5-10 minutes in length –Always identify who is speaking, title, company or agency, phone, address or
Preparing for Interview Make notes of what you want to cover –3 sub topics is more than enough information to cover in one interview Do not use a script unless you are doing Public Service Announcements and you need to be precise on time material to Eric, so he can be prepared
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) A specific subject 10 second words 15 second words 20 second words 30 second words (preferred by stations) Always have an identity at the end such as Solomon Valley RC&D, (town, phone, , person’s name,) equal opportunity employer and provider
Interviews Available Radio stations are welcome to use all of the interview or sound bites taken from the interview. They can pull them from the Web site or you can download and take to the station on a CD. Web site