Sigmund Freud May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939
General Background Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Known for theories into the unconscious mind and defense mechanisms of repression. Created the practice of psychoanalysis.
Interpretation of Dreams “On Dreams”
Theories of Sleep Repair/Restoration – Sleep allows for recuperation from physical emotional, and intellectual fatigue. Survival Value – Evolved to conserve energy and protect our ancestors from predators
General Dream Theory -Psychoanalytic Theory- Dreams represent disguised symbols of repressive desires and or anxieties. - Manifest Content includes symbols used to disguise true meanings of dreams. used to disguise true meanings of dreams. -Latent Content attempts to reveal the true unconscious meaning of dreams. true unconscious meaning of dreams.
The Pervasiveness of Freud's Ideas (1)"Dreams are the fulfillment of a wish" (2) "Dreams are the disguised fulfillment of a wish" (3) "Dreams are the disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish" (4) "Dreams are the disguised fulfillment of a repressed, infantile wish"
The Psyche: Id, Ego, and Superego in Freud's Study of Dreams and Human Nature
Dreamwork: Displacement, Condensation, Symbolization, and Projection Displacement is the redirection of an impulse onto a substitute target. In Condensation, a number of dream- elements (themes, images, figures, ideas etc) are combined into one. Symbolism is a one-term comparison, i.e. a represents b. Projection is pushing one’s thoughts, fears, feelings onto someone or something else.
How Modern Society Regards the Work of Sigmund Freud Although dream interpretation has become less important in the therapeutic application of psychoanalysis, nevertheless he always saw it as one of the keystones of his theory and the means by which anybody can achieve conviction about the reality of unconscious processes.
Things to Know! (According to Freud, the purpose of dreaming is to satisfy, through fantasy, the instinctive urges that society judges unacceptable.) (The four components of dreamwork are displacement, condensation, symbolization, and projection.)