BY: Jose L. Barba
Born in Freiburg May 6, 1856 died 23 September 23, 1939 Freud was a Austrian neurologist who is known for being the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud
He believed that dreams have definite meanings in disguise according to his monumental publication “Interpretations of dreams” in the 1900s Freud also believes that every dream is like a wish fulfillment in other words “a dream is the conscious expression of an unconscious fantasy or wish which is not accessible to the individual in waking life.” according to an article on “Theory of dreams according to Freud” Freud's Theory of Dream Interpretations
According to Sigmund Freud, an object can symbolize something in your dreams. For Example: Freud believes that long or hard objects such as rocks, trees, snakes, sticks, umbrellas, poles etc.. Symbolize the males sexual organ. Example of a Dream being a Meaning in Disguise
Psychoanalysis is the theory of the mind that developed from the past and effects you in the present. Psychoanalysis looks at the symptoms not as the problem of themselves but as a sign of a developmental internal struggle. Psychoanalysis and its Aspects A Theory of the Mind
A therapeutic process that tries to understand and solve the problems of a patient The training of an individual to listen in a special way and tries to connect the dots to why this person feels the way they do. The past is always present, and dreams according to Freud were the royal roads to the unconscious Second Aspect of Psychoanalysis the Therapeutic Process
It creates questions on how we become who we are. Psychoanalyses has advanced since it was founded by Freud Hundreds of years ago and has helped people feel free of their problems The Last Aspect of Psychoanalysis A Form of Research
The oral stage begins at birth when the infant is always occupied with nursing or putting things into the mouth. Infants who were occupied with nursing and satisfied are more gullible, optimistic, and admires others around him according to Freud. Infants who are not as satisfied are characterized by being pessimist, having envy, or suspicion and sarcasm The Stages of Psychosexual Development : The Oral Stage
At 1 and a half years the baby enters the anal stage in which potty training is applied. The anal stage is the pleasure of the baby getting rid of feces. If the baby makes faces and is successfully potty trained his character will be considered neat, precise, orderly, careful, stingy, and withholding. The Anal Stage
The Phallic Stage is crucial in the sexual conflict of development according to Freud. The conflict is labeled as the “Oedipus complex” which involves the unconscious thought of the child possessing the opposite sex parent and eliminating the same sexed one. The Phallic Stage
The Latency period is where the sexual drive lies dormant and the kid focuses more on things like school, friends, and sports. It is not until puberty hits until the genitals begin to be the central focus again. The Latency Period
The genital stage focuses again in the genitals and begins to have hetero sexual relationships. In order for the child to have normal relationships with the opposite sex the child must have had less energy in unresolved psychosexual development. The Genital Stage
The Defense Mechanism is a way that people handle difficult experiences in things that they consider painful. Sigmund Freud began this theory but most of the development was made by his daughter Anna Freud. Defense Mechanism
If someone is in Denial they do not accept the reality because its too painful for the person to grasp. So if a person is constantly arrested for drunk driving and doesn’t believe they have a problem with alcohol then they are in denial. This is the defense mechanism in action according to Sigmund and Anna Freud. Examples of the Defense Mechanism
Freud believed that every emotional experience in our lives has an unconscious effect on us and everything that we are aware of is stored in our conscious. He believed that our conscious only makes up a small portion of who we really are. Freud's belief was that our true personality is buried and inaccessible. Freud's Conception of the Human Psyche
ARTICLES Doyle, Tom. "Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud." Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept "Freud's Approach to Dreams." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 24 Sept "Utah Psych." Defense Mechanisms, Descriptions and Examples of Different Types. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept "Id, Ego, Superego, and the Unconscious in Psychology 101 at AllPsychOnline." Id, Ego, Superego, and the Unconscious in Psychology 101 at AllPsychOnline. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept VIDEO Works Cited