IVAN Ivan is the main character in this book Ivan is a Silverback Gorilla that lives in a video arcade/mall where he performs shows Ivan was just a little kid when he got taken to the mall Ivan is very smart and can understand humans
STELLA Stella is a African Elephant that lives in the video arcade mall Stella is one of Ivan’s best friends Stella has lived at the mall about as long as Ivan has Stella is older than Ivan Stella is very kind an heart warming
BOB Bob is a stray dog that came to the mall Bob is like Ivan’s sidekick Bob is a very small dog that got thrown off a pickup truck along with family but he was the only one to survive.
RUBY Ruby is the new baby elephant that just came to the mall Ruby is very shy in the beginning, but Stella helps her out and shows her the ropes Ruby is really new at all of this and can’t understand humans too well so Ivan teaches her
MAC Mac owns the “circus” and takes care of the animals Ivan lived with Mac for the an early part of his life Mac is kind of pour you could say so he can’t get the best medical help or supplies
JULIA Julia is a 10 year old girl that is really fond of Ivan She always draws with Ivan and does homework with Ivan and cares a lot about all the animals