Ready to retire? Or “un”retire?
AARP helps turn your goals and dreams into real possibilities.
Life is changing…The Past 3
Life is changing…Today 4
But we're all looking for guidance and help in figuring it out.
7 Special Considerations Those nearing retirement may have to readjust expectations Possible quick shifts from wealth accumulation to spend down Often lack of familiarity with financial products and services Strongly established spending and money management habits Possible issues with debt Problem or crisis (e.g., loss of spouse) ignites financial changes Physical and mental changes do occur
8 Older Americans, like most, may not understand many financial terms. Of 50+ population: 30% say they’ve made an investment they regretted because they did not understand it 57% don’t believe they understand diversification well enough to explain it to a friend or coworker 50% believe financial professionals use “complicated jargon” to distract people from focusing on the fees they will be paying 60% say they don’t read financial literature because it’s too hard to understand Special Considerations
Ready for Retirement Considerations Set Goals Factor In Benefits 9
Ready for Retirement Considerations Assess Finances Budgeting Take Advantage of Resources 10
Real Possibilities Messaging TBD 14
17 Have a question about claiming Social Security?
Question &
Starting a Small Business and Financial Security Americans aged had a higher rate of entrepreneurial activity than those aged % of new businesses launched by individuals aged 50+ are still in business after five years.
AARP Financial Security Tools AARP Retirement Calculator: Helps you find out how—and—when to retire when you want. AARP Social Security Calculator: Helps you decide when to claim Social Security to get the highest benefit. AARP Social Security Q&A Tool: Provides answers to your most frequently-asked questions about Social Security retirement benefits. AARP Health Care Costs Calculator: Helps you estimate how much you will pay for out-of-pocket health care expenses in retirement so you can plan accordingly. AARP-SBA Resources: Resources to help you decide if starting a business is right for you. 21