MMS mission Every physician matters, each patient counts Solidify and enhance MMS reputation as a thought leader on public health and patient care issues
Goals and success measures Disseminate knowledge to the public in key health issues through social media Measure social syndication Increase visual appeal of the website Survey on website regarding visual appeal Traffic evaluation Improve content tailored to health care consumers and patients in diverse cultures and various primary languages Fleish-kinkaid scale evaluation Evaluation of traffic to articles in various languages
SWOT analysis Stregths Historical credibility Advocacy Expertise in various healthcare and public topics Weaknesses Lack of balance between the 2 target audiences Difficulty separating patient from physician content visually Two twitter accounts Homepage crowded Imbalance between imagery and text Opportunities Balance between the 2 target audiences Clearly separate patient from physician content One twitter account More imagery and less text Improve consumer/patient tailored information (culturally diverse and appropriate healthcare literacy) and use languages Threats Resources Budget Competition
Our personas
Competitors MADPH AMA Partners Health care Borrow: Balancing information between providers and consumers/patients AMA Borrow: Easy to use patient page. It has imagery and little text. Partners Health care Borrow: More patient tailored content
Social media Platform Target audience Goal Measure of success Examples Twitter Patients & Consumers Improve public health knowledge Bigger percentage of MA is now following MMS; were there RTs Vaccine shortage in MA/Find out more at www.MMS/
Social Media Platform Target audience Goal Measure of success Examples Blog Patients & Consumers Engage & educate & return visits # of Social syndications; #of comments: 10% in RT Blog by expert MMS physicians on patients & consumers page re: health topics in their specialties on a rotational basis. Blog to appear 3 x a week. MMS can email members to tell their patients about blog. Readers can comment like, share. Ex: Rajaa writes on diabetes in pregnancy Social Media
Platform Target audience Goal Measure of success Examples Pinterest Female patients & consumers <50 yrs. Reach out to females (generally healthcare decision makers in families) & increase visibility to & traffic on site Conquering a less competitive market. # of pins, likes, followers, & following Pin about MMS position on medical marijuana with MMS logo that directs user to MMS article on medical marijuana
Digital Strategy Revision Patient page should be friendly, easy to access and navigate, and has multiple languages Mass e-mail to member physicians advising patients to visit the site for information Advise patients that the website and blog are trusted and consumer oriented
Digital Strategy Revision E-newsletter that is consumer and patient oriented Reference on original site more apparent Fleisch-Kincaid evaluation of the newsletter Available in multiple languages
Digital Strategy Revision Partner with Consumer Report to Obtain feedback about website and newsletter Gain “trusted website” status Send follow-up e-mail to physicians after status is gained
Digital Strategy Revision Media campaign featured on patient website and blog involving Controversial issues Interviews with local officials, local celebrities and physicians Easy to read format on patient blog Responses from patients on blog
Idea S
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