Fall and Spring Hours Monday-Thursday7:30am-9pm Friday7:30am-4:00pm Summer Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00am-8:00pm Friday8:00am-1:00pm Welcome to the Nash Community College Library
10. Register for a library barcode at the circulation desk. 9. Books will help you with background material, history, general information, and literary works. (They can also just be for fun!) 8. There are specialized databases to assist you with your education. (Medical and literary criticism) 7. Be respectful of others and take cell phone calls outside. Texting is welcome. Top 10 Secrets to the Library
6. DVDs can be checked out for three days. Late fees are $1.00 per day, per movie. 5. You have to sign in and out to use the computers and need your ID (with barcode). 4. It’s $.10 per sheet to print from the College computers and $.10 per copy for the copier. (Books are $.05/day for late fees.) 3. NC Live is the first place to go to do research. 2. You can access everything but the physical books from off campus. 1. The librarians are here to help you be successful at Nash Community College! Top 10 List
iLink (card catalog)—for books only Search by the most specific aspect you know (title or author) Search by keyword also. Brainstorm a list of keywords before you begin searching. If it’s not at Nash CC, use the drop down menu to search other community college library holdings. Be aware of page numbers and copyright dates. Checkout period is two weeks. Books will be for background info and should be five years old or less for current events. Do your research early! iLink Card Catalog
How do I find the one I want? Put in either the title, author, or keywords in iLink Write down the whole call number (ex Pea) Find it on the shelf. What if it’s not in the catalog? Make sure all of the words are spelled correctly Change your search words Expand your search to include all community colleges (within iLink). There are 1000s of books…
NCLive—a collection of databases for general and specific research Password: gatemore Gale Literature Resource Center—provides information on books, authors, and literary criticism User ID: nash Anatomy TV—3-D skeletal animations useful for allied health students User ID: nashcc Password: student Stat Ref—medical database with over 35 full text textbooks User ID: nashcollege Password: student Dental Database—electronic medical titles User ID: ncdental Password: dental Databases
80% of your resources will come from NC Live Search by word or phase or click on the various categories CQ Researcher (current events), Master File Premier, and Academic Search Elite will used most often. Click full text and limit the year span to get more specific results Faster than Google The password is gatemore. NC Live
Deana Guido Lynette Finch Library Staff Contact Information