Installation Process: Step 1 Step1: Login in to Unix Host name or IP address type in douglass User name type in user name Password type in user password Then click OK
To Create a repository type this command at the prompt: ~testlab/bin/Xrepository/Xrepos_Create then hit Enter follow the on screen directions Note: When installation of the repository is completed you will see the comment Your repository has been Created. Installation Process Step 2
Installation Process step 3 Install online test by Typing the command ~cis4932joe/bin/Install_OnlineTester.csh used when creating the repository. Example ~cis4932joe/bin/ Install_OnlineTester.csh H then hit Enter Note: When installation of the Install_OnlineTester.csh H has bee completed you will see the comment End of HPcheckout
Installation Process step 4 Create a test bank using your favorite Unix Text Editor either Pico or Vi. Note you can look at the format rules and samplebank.txt examples provided on the next page to create your own test questions.
Q< opening format Answer: cat fat cat > fatcat answer format Give the Unix command that creates a file 'fatcat' that body format contains the contents of file 'fat' followed by the contents “ “ of the file 'cat' “ “ >Q closing format Note: All test questions must contain the bold face items presented above. Test Question Rules
Example of how to format a question with multiple answers by using the greater than as the opening for the opening of the answer, and the less than symbol for the closing of the answer all represented in below in blue. The pipe symbol represented below in green between is used as and or to separate each answer. Q< 1 Answer: | Give the Unix command that counts the number of times the word 'CAT' is found in the file 'animals'. (NOTE: Use exactly one space between elements of the command, and DO NOT USE double-quotes.) >Q Note: The color coding is not necessary it use here only to help the reader. Example: Multiple Answer Test Question
Example of how to format a fill in the blank test question Q< 1 Answer: chmod In order to be a Unix command, a file must have the 'executable' attribute set using the _____ command. >Q Note: A blank line can be placed anywhere within the question body via beginning, middle, end etc…. Example: Fill in the Blank Test Question
Example of how to format a true/ false test question Q< 1 Answer: T (T/F) This is a valid Unix file name: 'fat+chance' >Q Example: True/False Test Question
Example of how to format a multiple choice test question Q< 1 Answer: A The directory designated ~ is called the _________ directory. A) home B) root C) base >Q Example: Multiple ChoiceTest Question
Now that you have reviewed the process for creating a test bank you all now ready to create your test bank your favorite Text Editor Vi or Pico. Once you have finished creating the test bank make sure that you use the proper naming convention when saving the test bank. Example: Samplebank.txt Note: The.txt extension should be used when saving a bank file. However, you may name your bank whatever you choose to just remember it must contain the extension.txt Installation Process Step 4 continued
Now that you have created the test bank you all now ready to check your bank for any bugs that may be present. First check the bank my using the Once you have finished creating the test bank make sure that you use the proper naming convention when saving the test bank. Example: Samplebank.txt Note: The.txt extension should be used when saving a bank file. However, you may name your bank whatever you choose to just remember it must contain the extension.txt Installation Process Step 4 continued
Make sure all the files need have been placed in your repository Installation Process
Now type MakeTest.csh then hit enter. Select each choice in order and make sure to enter in all test information as requested. When prompted to enter testbank name please use the naming convention of the testbank that you created.
If the test is generated successfully Then run the test by typing the./ and see if the test appears to be correct in its presentation. Error with your test. If the test does not Generate please check your testbank to correct any errors that were found. It may be that you have simply entered a double quote which is not allowed or that you may some simple parse errors. Installation Process
After finding that all the test components are working one is now ready to have his/ her students access the test.