Club Penguin: The Inventors Apprentice By: Matthew
Beginning A penguin is just playing Mancala with his friend and he gets a letter from Gary The Gadget Guy. He reads the letter and found out that he won the invention contest! Gary said he won for his freeze ray. Then it said he will send a separate letter that is a riddle that will tell him where his workshop is. Then the penguin was soooooo exited he could not wait for the other letter. About 20 minutes later the penguin got the letter from Gary it said:”You’ll find my workshop at the bottom of a hill, in a place where sports fans can get their fill.” So the penguin found out that it was in the sports shop so he went to the sports shop and when he got inside he was face-to-face with Gary.
Middle When he goes to his workshop he shows Gary his freeze ray and Gary says wonderful lets see how it works here freeze the cheese 3000 zzzzzzzz the cheese 3000 turns all to ice! Gary is amazed it works Eureka! Yay! You say then Gary gets a call and needs to go to the pizza parlor to fix the pizzatron3000 so Gary has to go he asks if you want to go and you spot a tarp and a secret door that says “Gary's Room” and you ask what is under that tarp then Gary says no no no that is top secret then you ask what is behind the door he says also top secret so you go to the pizza parlor with him.
End When you get to the pizza parlor you hand Gary his props every time he needs it and when you and Gary are done you go back to the sport shop and go up in his workshop and Gary says ok since you’ve won the contest you can become a secret agent! You scream with excitement but then Gary says you must take a test so you take hand it to Gary and he says you got 100% congratulations here you go Gary hands you a spy phone and you go home feeling very happy. THE END
Here are some of Gary’s Gadgets
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Bye!