Creative Suggestions for Healthy Celebrations* Brought to you by the Sommer Elementary Healthy Lifestyles Committee *with the goal to give our children and families fun and easy alternatives to they typical high sugar, low value foods
Birthday Celebrations in the Classroom Instead of sweets have the birthday child: O Wear a special badge or crown for the entire day. O Choose the class music for writing or independent study time. O Choose a special time (for a walk, game or activity) with the teacher, principal or another adult. O Have a dance party with the birthday child selects the music. Invite the principal and other staff as judges. O Star of the Day – the birthday child’s parent comes into the classroom with either a poster board or slide show with pictures of the student and reads a letter to the child in front of the class, as to why he/she is a special.
Special Occasion Classroom Celebrations (Such as Thanksgiving, MLK, Veteran’s Day, etc.) O Create a book honoring what is being celebrated that day. Give each student one page in the book to draw a picture or write a story showing the significance of the day to them. Then once the book is put together, share it with the class then the school. O Arrange a treasure hunt around the classroom with theme appropriate hints and treasures. O Have a limbo competition to music with swim noodles as the rods!
What Parents Can Contribute: O Create healthy snacks to share with the class at party opportunities. (Check with the teacher first for food allergies and willingness, such as homemade fruit popsicles at recess time, or make your own snack mix with dried fruits, nuts and grains outside). The Healthy Lifestyles Committee can help with recipes. O Replace oil in brownie/cake recipes with apple sauce. O Go light on icing and use fruit or food coloring for decoration instead of sprinkles.
Family or Group Events Outside of School O Gardening days – turn on some music and all go outside and work together in the yard. Younger children can pull weeds and pick up tree trimmings. Older children can plant flowers and help parents with bigger items like trimming bushes. O Visit a farmer’s market together and pick out new foods to try. Once home, research recipes with the ingredients you bought then make them. O Screen movies that promote healthy living together so you can talk about the content– Netflix and YouTube have quite a few. O 30 day challenge – pick a healthy habit and organize a competition around it. Have a kick off and awards celebration.