JA Titan – An Economics Simulation Nickie Sattler EDT 631
The Problem…… It is the year You are the CEO of a company which produces the Holo- Generator™. Your mission……. To outsell, outwit, and outlast the competition by having the highest Performance Index of all teams.
Student Roles Students are given the role as co-CEO’s of their company. Class is split into groups of 2-3. Students will apply what they have learned in the Economics class towards this simulation.
Decisions to be made…. Price of Product Production Level Marketing Costs Capital Investment Level Research and Development Costs
Fidelity Issues Content Decisions match the current issues facing all companies who are producing a product. Context Outcome change based upon decisions made by the team Receive guidance from “Corporate Assistants” Process Work through “Trial and Error” Decisions and Choices Random and Uncontrolled Events Mathematical Relationships Varying Risk Shortcuts and Setbacks
ODE Academic Standards TSWBAT….. Explain the effects of shortages and surpluses on prices (SS – Gr. 11 Economics) Work collaboratively on online projects to research and problem and disseminate results ( Tech – Gr. 9 Technology and Communication Applications) Use marketing to establish a product’s viability and identity, conduct research on its potential, advertise it and sell it. (Tech – Gr. 10 Design) Explain how technological development is influenced by many factors, including profit incentive and market economy. (Tech – Gr Nature of Technology)
The Game….
Culminating Activity Students will create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the results of their experience. Students will share what strategies worked for them and what didn’t.
Grading Rubric (Tech side only)
Debriefing questions How did this simulation differ from what you expected? Has your opinion changed regarding marketing and pricing of products you currently own or would like to have? How does this experience relate to your career plans and interests?
Extensions and Adaptations Top two groups to compete against School Administrator (former Economics teacher) and Economics teacher. Pair up those student who are stronger with technology with ones who aren’t. Some groups of only one student for those who work best alone or may excel in both classes.