The Tabernacle Foreshadows Christ and Salvation and God’s eternal covenant. (Hebrews 8)


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Presentation transcript:

The Tabernacle Foreshadows Christ and Salvation and God’s eternal covenant. (Hebrews 8)

The Tabernacle It was a portable place of worship used by the Israelites in the wilderness, from the time of the Judges to 10 th century BC.

The Tabernacle with God’s Shekhina glory Picture with permission of the Temple Institute, Jerusalem The Tabernacle or ‘Mishkan’ means ‘tent of meeting’. It represents the ‘Shekhina’ or indwelling presence of God. God’s glory filled the tabernacle. A cloud covered it by day and a fire by night. (Exodus 40:34, 38; Numbers 9:15)

The Perimeter Fence and the Gate The tabernacle was a place of protection or hiding place (Psalm 27:5) Jesus is the Gate (John 10:7) and the ‘narrow way.’ (Matthew 7:13)

The Coverings and curtains 3 layers: badger skins on the top represent lowliness, the pilgrim aspect of the church rams skins dyed red represent the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) fine linen represents holiness/purity decorated with blue, purple and scarlet tapestry.

The Tabernacle –with roof removed A rectangular structure with a perimeter fence of fabric, poles and staked cords facing East. Two sections separated by a veil: The Holy Place The Most Holy Place

The Curtains The curtains were made of goat hair = sin offering dyed blue= heavens/perfection purple= royalty scarlet= blood

The 7 branched Lampstand ‘Menorah’ Stood on the left (South). Hammered out of one piece of gold. Light shining from the alphabet on the menorah onto the stones on the High Priest’s shoulders would spell out an oracle or decision. Jesus is the ‘Light of the World’ It was decorated with almond buds which mean ‘watch’/ ‘be ready’ (Jeremiah 1:11-12)

The table with the Showbread A gold overlaid table stood on the right (North). Each Sabbath 2 piles of 6 loaves were placed on it as an offering. (These represent the 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus is the ‘Bread of Life’ (John 6:35)

The Laver The laver was a huge bronze basin on a bronze base. It was used by the priests for washing their hands and feet before they offered the sacrifice/ritual cleansing. Jesus is the ‘Living Water’ (John 4)

The Altar of the Burnt Offering Made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze. It had 4 horns at its corners and a bronze grating. Rings at the sides were for holding it on poles. Used for burning the sacrificial lambs, bulls and goats. Symbolic of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross

The Altar of Incense The altar of incense was made of acacia wood and it had 4 horns, all overlaid with pure gold. I had 2 rings on each side so that it could be carried on poles, also made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold. Used for burning incense each morning and evening. Symbol of prayer. (Revelation 5:8), inviting the sweet presence of the Lord.

The Ark of the Covenant The Cheribim - overshadowing protection under God’s wings- represent the fullness of the Holy Spirit The Mercy Seat - God’s Judgement seat- atonement and propitiation Hebrews 9:5, Romans 3:25 GRACE through the blood sacrifice of His Son, JESUS. Stood in the Holy of Holies. Made of pure gold symbolising the divine/purity/excellence Symbolises God’s presence with His people and His eternal covenant.

The Ark: Contents The 2 Stone Tablets of the Law with the 10 Commandments (Exodus 5) Aaron’s rod, which budded – symbol of authority (Numbers 17:8) Jar of Manna : Jesus is the fresh Bread (John 6:32-35 ) These were to serve as a reminder of the covenant.

The Veil This separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. Once a year on the Day of Atonement the High Priest went through into the Most Holy Place after making the sacrifices and burning incense. (Leviticus 16) When Jesus died on the cross the veil in the Temple was torn in two making the way open to us to enter His presence. (Matthew 27:51)

The High Priest 8 garments were worn all year round: an ephod or apron, breastplate, robe, embroidered coat, mitre, girdle, plate and linen breeches. On the Day of Atonement he wore 4 white linen garments: a robe, breeches, girdle and mitre- symbolising purity

The High Priest’s Breastplate of Judgement Golden chains and hooks attached this to the ephod. 4 rows of 3 stones represent the 12 tribes of Israel: sardius, topaz, carbuncle emerald, sapphire, diamond ligure, agate, amethyst beryl, onyx, jasper. An onyx stone on each shoulder: the Urim and Thummin used to determine God’s will as the light shone on them.

Jesus is our Great High Priest He is the mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 8 and 9) ‘He went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made.’ (9:11) and ‘ entered the Most Holy Place once for all though His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption’ (9:12b)

The Temple built by King Solomon Picture with permission of the Temple Institute, Jerusalem The Ark was brought by King David to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6) and the Temple was constructed by his son, Solomon, on the same pattern as the Tabernacle according to God’s commandments. (1 Kings 6-9)

The Temple construction (1 Kings 5-7) - model The walls of each room were panelled with cedar and carved with flowers, palm leaves and cheribim and overlaid with gold. Sacrifices were made in the courtyard outside. Only the priests and Levites were allowed inside the building.

The Temple was where God’s presence was: His eyes and His heart. Isaiah had a vision of the Lord seated on the throne, His train filled the temple and He was surrounded by cheribim. (Isaiah 6:1-7) He was awe struck with God’s holiness and his own unworthiness.

King Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem in 538 BC and gave back all the gold and silver objects taken by the Babylonians. It was not completed in 515 BC because of opposition and discouragement. It was similar to Solomon’s temple, but not so splendid. King Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem in 538 BC and gave back all the gold and silver objects taken by the Babylonians. It was not completed in 515 BC because of opposition and discouragement. It was similar to Solomon’s temple, but not so splendid. The Second Temple (Zerubbabel’s Temple) was built after the Exile.

Herod’s Temple It was built between 19 BC and 9 AD It was 2x higher than Solomon’s Temple and covered with gold so that it was a dazzling sight.

Herod’s Temple It had an outer Gentile Court, which anyone could enter, a Women’s Court, Court of Israel and Priests Court.

Herod’s Temple was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 Painting by Francesco Hayez

The ‘Kotel’ (Western Wall) is all that remains of Herod’s Temple: This is the focal point where Jews in Israel have been able to pray and celebrate the Feasts Since the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967.

Synagogue construction followed the plan of the original Tabernacle and temples in Jerusalem At its front an ark, aron kodesh, containing the Torah scrolls is comparable to the Ark of the Covenant This is the holiest spot in a synagogue, equivalent to the Holy of Holies.TorahArk of the CovenantHoly of Holies A candelabrum ‘ner tamid,’ similar to the original Menorah burns constantly.Menorah At the center is a large elevated area, known as the ‘bimah’ where the Torah is read, equivalent to the altars in the Tabernacle on which incense and animal sacrifices were offered.

Christians no longer need to build temples. We are temples of the Holy Spirit Jesus said that the Holy Spirit does not live in temple made with hands, but He dwells in us. ‘Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.’ (1 Corinthians 6:19)

The Third Temple Ezekiel was given a vision of perfect Millennial Temple (Ezekiel 41-43) with the same attributes as the Tabernacle, but far superior.

Temple Time Line

‘… now God’s dwelling place is with men..’ ( Revelation 21:3) ‘God Almighty and the Lamb are its Temple’ (Revelation 21:22) The New Jerusalem Will come down from heaven