Antioch Bible Institute Rev. Christopher J. Respass
Elements of the Tabernacle 1.Court: Enclosed area here people could enter. 2.Altar of Burn Offerings: used for burning animals sacrifices and symbolized people’s need for forgiveness. 3.Bronze Laver(Basin): Used for washing and signified the need for purity on the part of the person meeting God.
Elements of the Tabernacle 4. The Holy Place: Second chamber of the tabernacle. Only priests were allowed to enter. 5. Table of Showbread: reminded the people that God was present with them and that he gives them the necessities of life. 6.The Lampstand: Stood as a reminder that the way to God is always lighted.
Elements of the Tabernacle 7.Altar of Incense: Smoke from the incense represented the eternal presence of God. 8.The Holy of Holies: Contained the Ark of the Covenant which was regarded as the throne of God. Once a year, on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16), the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies to make atonement for himself and the people.
A.Outer Court
B. The Holy Place
1. Table of Showbread (v.2b)
2. Altar of Incense (v.4a)
C. Ark of the Covenant (v.4)
II.The Broken Covenant A. God entered a covenant with Israel 1. Obey his voice 2. Keep God’s commandments 3. The people agreed to God’s terms “…And all the people answered with one voice, ‘All the Words that The Lord has spoken we will do…and we will be obedient.” (Exod. 24:3,4)
B. The Golden Calf Incident (Exod. 32:1-30) 1. Moses had been on Mt. Sinai with God 40 days. 2. The people got restless and convinced Aaron, the priest and brother of Moses, to make a golden calf to represent God so that they can worship.
What Can we Learn from this? 1.Don’t let people convince you to sin. 2.Be honest with yourself and your own natural cravings (Aaron wanted be Moses (Num 12:1-16)). 3.Leaders must lead—some requests are non- negotiable. 4.Sin affects everybody!—culprits were killed!