Step 6: Consult Fall/Winter Session Registration Instructions and Timetable ‘H’ indicates 0.5 credit ‘F’ section code indicates course takes place in First Term – Sept. to Dec. Several Lecture, Practical and Tutorial Meeting Sections to choose from. You must choose one of each type (if offered – not every course will offer Practical and Tutorial Meeting Sections) Meeting Section codes correspond to specific time slots e.g. Lecture L0201 takes place on Tues., Thurs. (‘R’) and Fri. from 12:10 till 1:00 p.m. (Classes begin 10 minutes after the hour and end on the hour.) Practical (lab) P0401 takes place on (‘R’) Thurs. from 2:10 till 5:00 p.m. (A) Indicates that the Practical (lab) Meeting Section takes place in alternate weeks, not every week. This may allow you to create a more “efficient” timetable by selecting a Practical Meeting Section for a first-year science course that will alternate - in the same time slot - with a Practical Meeting Section in another first-year science course. e.g. CHM138H1 (F) P0302 (Wed. 2:00-5:00) will alternate with BIO120H1 (F) P0301 (Wed. 1:30-4:30). ( Refer to online Timetable for more details.) Enrolment Indicators and Controls give access to a course to specific groups of students for specific times (See Registration Instructions and Timetable for details) and some courses – those with ‘E’ Enrolment Indicators cannot be added via R.O.S.I./S.W.S Some courses will offer the option of joining a waitlist if the meeting section is filled. A ‘Y’ indicator means that a waitlist function is available
Step 7: Plan and Record Course Preferences List your 5.0 credits in order of priority. You select all of your First Term, Second Term and Full Session courses when you log on to ROSI at your assigned start time. Make timetabling easier by scheduling the 1 st choice of Lecture/Practical/Tutorial Meeting Sections for all 5.0 credits before attempting to schedule 2 nd or 3 rd choice “back-up” meeting sections for each course. Try to select 2 nd and 3 rd choice “back-up” Meeting Sections in the event that your first choice of Lecture/Practical/Tutorial is filled. Ensure that these “back-up” options do not create timetable conflicts. Choose alternate courses in the event that you cannot obtain a space in one of your first 5.0 preferred courses Courses selected to meet the first- year requirements for entry to your preferred Subject POSts Elective courses selected to fulfill additional breadth requirements; provide alternate/back-up program options; allow for the acquisition of new skills etc. You may take 200-level (second year) courses in your first year of study provided that you have the appropriate background (prerequisites, corequisites etc.) but 200-level courses are generally more difficult and demanding than 100- level courses Elective courses selected to provide alternate/back-up program options; fulfill additional breadth requirements; allow for the acquisition of new skills etc.
First time users: PIN is your date of birth format: yymmdd Normal hours of operation Monday 12:15 am - 03:30 am 06:00 am - 11:45 pm Tuesday 12:15 am - 11:45 pm Wednesday 12:15 am - 11:45 pm Thursday 12:15 am - 11:45 pm Friday 12:15 am - 06:00 pm 10:00 pm - 11:59 pm Saturday 12:00 am - 11:59 pm Sunday12:00 am - 11:45 pm Important points logging off registration - payment or deferral of fees check transactions to verify completed Step 8: Logon to ACORN/ROSI to Check Course Selection Start Time and Set PIN Reactivation Feature
PIN Reactivation process which allows you to access your account if you forgot your PIN, or you’ve been locked out of your account need to set up this up immediately - before a problem occurs PIN Reactivation Option
Select the session in which you want to register Basic course options 1.) Manage courses add courses you want to enrol in or change/cancel those that you have already enrolled in 2.) List courses display courses that you are enrolled in; from the list, you can manage each course 3.) View Timetables/Spaces view timetable space availability 4.) View Personal timetable view or print a timetable of courses you are enrolled in Step 9: Log on to ACORN/ROSI at Assigned Start Time to Enrol in Courses
Select Course Meeting Sections For courses that have tutorials and practical sections, you can enrol in both tutorial and practical sections at the same time
Check for Waitlist Function if Course Meeting Sections Filled Waitlists if meeting section(s) of a course are full and the section(s) have a waitlist option, you may have the option to join a waitlist provided that you are in the enrolment control category for the meeting sections waitlist function displays how many student are already on the waitlist for each meeting section, and the capacity for the meeting section remember to select only those meeting sections which don’t conflict with courses you are already enrolled in
View Personal timetable option shows when you displayed your timetable – accurate as of date,time shows only approved status meeting sections, each course given a different colour can print copy gives room and building information for meeting sections conflicts/potential conflicts are shown in RED Print Timetable When Course Selection Completed