Tennis & Girls Athletics Parent Meeting Janet Gribnitz – SMS Girls Athletic Coordinator Doug Fair – LSHS/SMS Tennis Coach
Tonight’s Agenda Scheduling Forms & other requirements Policies & Procedures Expectations Communication Online Information & Camps Questions & Answers
Scheduling -- Tennis Tennis classes are 5 th and 6 th period –Students will try out to remain in the class 2 nd semester; others will move to PE –Workouts during class only –Selected students will play matches in both fall & spring –ALL students need to turn in a physical and all required paperwork (same as athletics) All tennis players wear the standard FISD PE uniform
Scheduling – Tennis Selected students play matches in both fall and spring –Mostly on Tuesdays beginning at 4:00 –Athletes are able to participate in both tennis and athletics (tennis during school, athletics after school
Scheduling – Athletics 7 th grade Athletics – 7 th period –Wear FISD-issued athletic clothes to 8 th period class and then practice after school until 5:15 8 th grade Athletics – 8 th period –Practice straight through the period and after school until 5:15 VB, BB, and track are the only sports that are practiced during the athletic period. CC and soccer are after-school sports.
Scheduling – Athletics An athlete does not need to be enrolled in the athletics class to try out for a sport…but we do recommend it! High school coaches work with VB and BB athletes during the class period. Athletes who are enrolled in the athletics class and are not on the in-season team will participate in the off-season program (conditioning as well as preparing for the next sport).
Scheduling – Athletics VB season – 1 st day of school until early Nov. BB season – end of VB until mid-Feb. CC season – end of Nov. until Winter Break Track season – end of BB until early April Soccer season – end of March until end of May Coaches work together to share athletes so they can participate in all 5 sports. We encourage athletes to try them all, especially in 7 th grade.
Scheduling – Athletics VB and BB carry 3 teams per grade – A, B, C –10 regular season games (Thurs.) plus 2 tournaments for A team only (weekends) CC carries an unlimited number of athletes –4 meets on Wed. (last meet is District Meet) Track carries 3 athletes per event with a limit of 5 events per athlete –4-5 meets on weeknights Soccer carries 2 teams (1 7 th, 1 8 th ) –6 games on weeknights plus district tournament on a weekend
All forms in the FISD Athletic Paperwork packet must be completely filled out, signed, and returned before an athlete is allowed to work out during school or after school. Physical form (last page) may be turned in separately when completed by a physician (after May 1). Please return forms only to the girls athletic coaches! Forms
UIL PREPARTICIPATION PHYSICAL Front (pictured): needs to be filled out every year by the parents. Back (not pictured): needs to be filled out after May 1 every year by a physician. (Physicals expire after one year and athletes cannot participate without an updated physical.) *** EVERY ATHLETE NEEDS A NEW PHYSICAL EVERY YEAR *** Please sign the signature lines INSIDE THE BOX on the front; the signature lines at the bottom are for the coaches to sign after we have reviewed the form.
UIL CONCUSSION FORM Every athlete and parent must sign and return this form, whether or not the athlete has actually had a concussion.
Frisco ISD Parental Code of Ethics ** New form for **
SMS ATHLETIC POLICIES Please sign and return the last page and keep the other pages for your information. All athletes trying out for VB, BB, CC, soccer, or track need to have this signed and returned.
SMS TENNIS POLICIES Please sign and return the last page. All athletes trying out for tennis need to have this signed and returned.
Turning in Paperwork ASAP! Check carefully for signatures, all blanks filled in, etc. Students can personally deliver paperwork to Coach Gribnitz during class (preferred); During the summer, there will be a girls’ athletics folder in the front office, or forms can be given to girls’ coaches during strength & conditioning camp; Please do NOT turn forms in to the nurse, counselor, etc.! (Shot records are NOT part of the athletic physical.) Paperwork must be turned in and reviewed by the coaches before the athlete is allowed to participate. Volleyball tryouts start on the first day of school!
Policies & Expectations Athletics and Tennis are highly competitive programs that will prepare athletes to compete at the high school level. They are NOT intended to be a fitness class or a PE class. We have high expectations of our athletes as far as their attitude, effort, behavior, and work ethic both on the court and off.
Policies & Expectations Dressing out (PE uniform/athletic clothes and including proper shoes) Attendance (parent/doctor notes) Workouts including 8:00 mile Responsibility in relaying information home (calendars, schedules, events, etc.) Communicating about conflicts with other activities (SMS or outside school)
Policies & Expectations No Pass/No Play –Even if an athlete is not competing in matches this year, we need to know she can stay eligible consistently and can take care of business in the classroom. Tryouts/cuts/off-season program 24-hour rule Grading vs. other consequences
Communication FISD Middle School Athletic Chain of Command: –Athlete (we encourage 1-on-1 communication as the first step) –Team Coach (ex. 7 th grade C team, etc.) –Head Coach (ex. 7 th grade head BB coach) –Campus Athletic Coordinator (Janet Gribnitz) –Campus Principal (Dennis McDonald) –District Athletic Director (Jerry Littlejohn)
Communication Coaches’ schedules/availability Appropriate times for discussions Appropriate topics of discussion Calendars and other info. sent home Picking up athletes after games and practices “Players play, coaches coach, parents cheer.”
Online Information Tonight’s powerpoint and copies of paperwork will be posted on the Staley website: Look on the home page for the powerpoint and Staley girls athletics information. The Athletics link may take you to a series of other district-wide links including boys’ and high school information.
Online Information Summer camp info., including registration forms, can be found on the FISD website. Sport-specific camps – run by high school coaches – 1 week per sport Strength & conditioning camp – run by Staley coaches (details on separate sheet) Camps are not mandatory but will give athletes an advantage going into tryouts next year!
How To Register for Summer Camps Go to the FISD website ( Click on the Athletics link Click on the red “ActiveNet” button Search for the desired camp(s) – by high school for sports camps or “West Side Middle School Camps” for Staley Girls Strength & Conditioning Camp All registrations are to be completed online. Do not bring forms or money to the coaches. Late registration may not guarantee a place in camp, depending on numbers and facility space.
Contact Information Janet Gribnitz –Staley Girls Athletic Coordinator – –Phone: Doug Fair –Lone Star HS/Staley Tennis Coach – –Phone: