Prime and Composite Numbers PRIME TIME JEOPARDY Prime Factorization GCF/LCM Factors and Multiples Prime and Composite Numbers ??? 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Prime and Composite for 700 Tell the mystery number. Clues: The number is prime. The number is less than 19. The sum of the digits of the number is greater than 7. Back
Prime and Composite for 600 List all the prime numbers less than 20. Back
Prime and Composite for 500 Tell whether each number is prime or composite. 86 95 31 51 Back
Prime and Composite for 400 Tell whether the number is prime or composite. 456 4052 Back
Prime or Composite for 300 What is the definition of a prime number? Back
Prime and Composite for 200 What is the definition of a composite number? Back
Prime and Composite for 100 True or False. 1 is prime. All odd numbers are prime. Only even numbers are composite. Back
Prime Factorization for 700 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 200 Back
Prime Factorization for 600 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 140 Back
Prime Factorization for 500 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 85 Back
Prime Factorization for 300 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 360 Back
Prime Factorization for 200 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 60 Back
Prime Factorization for 400 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 155 Back
Prime Factorization for 100 Write the prime factorization using exponents. 80 BACK
GCF/LCM for 100 Find the LCM for the following numbers 9 and 15 Back
GCF/LCM for 200 Find the GCF for the following numbers 32 24 and 40 Back
GCF/LCM for 300 Boxes that are 12 inches tall are being stacked next to boxes that are 14 inches tall. What is the shortest height at which the two stacks will be the same height? Back
GCF/LCM for 400 Ming has 15 quarters, 30 dimes and 48 nickels. He wants to group his money so that each group has the same number of each coin. What is the greatest number of groups he can make? Back
GCF/LCM for 500 a. What is the greatest common factor of 30 and 42? b. Give a different common factor of 30 and 42. Back
GCF/LCM for 600 Jack plays on a basketball team after school (or on the weekend) every third day of the month. He babysits his younger brother after school every seventh day of the month. How many times during a 30-day month, if any, will Jack have a conflict between basketball and babysitting? Back
GCF/LCM for 700 Neena has 54 smiley-face stickers, 36 glittery stickers, and 81 heart stickers. She wants to divide the stickers evenly among her friends. Find the greatest number that Neena can use to divide the stickers evenly. Back
Factors and Multiples for 100 List all the factors of 30. List all the divisors of 30. Back
Factors and Multiples for 200 List the first five mutliples of 9. Back
Factors and Multiples for 300 Which of the following numbers has the most factors: 6, 17, 25, 31 or 40? Back
Factors and Multiples for 400 Which number is a common multiple of 7 and 4: 11, 24, 48, or 56? Back
Factors and Multiples for 500 Find the missing number and the 3 factors Back 9 12 16 18 ? 36
Factors and Multiples for 600 Create a Venn Diagram with the first five multiples of 15 and 12. What number(s) are in the intersection? Back
Factors and Multiples for 700 Which list shows the prime common factors of 18 and 45? 1,2,3,5,6,9,15 3,9 1,3,9 3 Back
???? for 700 List the first 7 square numbers. Back
???? for 600 Why is 1 not prime or composite? Back
???? for 500 Which of the following numbers are not square numbers: 1, 9, 16, 25, 36, 55, 100, 144, 169 Back
???? for 400 List the first 10 composite numbers. Back
Name all the factor pairs of 12. ???? for 300 Name all the factor pairs of 12. Back
List all the factors and the first three multiples for 20. Back
???? for 100 What is the divisibility rule for 3? Back