Cow-Calf Operations Its all about BEEF!
Advantages Forage is cheaper than feed. Less labor requirements. Low death loss. Adapt well. Good demand for producers, especially small producers, because inexpensive.
Disadvantages Through droughts, cost increases, due to no grass and feeding feed Don’t convert grass as good as feed. Fewer offspring per year, compared to other species. High cost to start operation; i.e. land
Cow-Calf Operations How does it work? What type of cattle are used? When is the calving season?
What’s the Bull’s Job? How many cows can one bull breed each season? How many bulls would you need if owned 200 cows? What is another way to breed your cows?
Heifers: What are these creatures? When are heifers able to start breeding? Gestation period of ~283 days (9 months) Can a cow ever have twins?
Moo-cows get hungry too! What do we feed beef cattle? – Mainly forages- grasses and legumes. Grasses – Bermuda, Fescue Legumes – Clovers, Alfalfa Pasture free of weeds. Why?
Supplements Minerals – Fed free choice Creep feeding – What is it?
Where are we at in the process? Calf is born. Calf is weaned. Where does it go next?
Backgrounding system Cattle is fed high quality forages and maybe some grain for about a 4-6 month period. Usually on the fall off in spring or on in spring off in fall. This is done to increase size of your cattle, as cheaply as possible. Because again grass is cheaper than feed.
Finishing system Cattle is fed to slaughter weight here. -start at about 800lbs -finished at lbs -fed for about days Commercial feedlots – MidWestern and Southwestern U.S. – Fed feed concentrates -high energy- corn, milo, oats
Nowhere to go but,… Slaughter House Finally, beef is sent to HEB to be consumed by us.
Review of Process Cow calf operator- conception to weaning, 15 months. Backgrounder- raises weaned calves until they are ready to go to feedlot. 4-6 months Feedlot- fattens cattle to slaughter weight, usually 5-6 months. Slaughter House to Grocery store to Table.
Process Review Cont. Total time require to get beef to the consumer. – From the first thought of the next calf crop to the table, right at or just over 2 years. – From the birth of a calf to the table, right at months.
Review What is a cow-calf operation? What do we feed? Where are the beef cattle finished off?