What Starts Here, Changes the World Welcome to Sablatura Middle School Parent Presentation
The Foundation of Our Success Sablatura Middle School was named after Coach Leon H. Sablatura. His words are sprinkled throughout the campus to remind us to be a positive influence on each other.
Great Leadership Principal, Verna Tipton Asst.Principal, Leah Mishlan B.S. in Kinesiology M.S in Counseling M.S. in Educational Admin. Asst.Principal, Leah Mishlan B.S. in Elementary Education M.S. in Counseling
Collaboration Parent volunteers on the Campus Educational Improvement Council Active Parent Teacher Association GTA Booster Club Gifted and Talented Academy Many volunteer opportunities! “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” –Coach Sab
Communication Multiple modes of communication Newsletters sent home each grading period Calendar of events sent home monthly Real-time grades available in Skyward Each teacher has an informative web page Important reminders on the marquee “Positive thinking does not need proof… it only needs practice.” –Coach Sab
Supporting Student Success Transportation Bus service is provided for free to students who live two or more miles from Sablatura. Food Service Sablatura offers free and reduced-priced meals. Parents can pre-pay for meals and view transactions through the OnlineParent system. Chick-Fil-A on Fridays! “Students value themselves to the degree that they have been valued.” –Coach Sab
Technology WiFi throughout the entire campus BYOD – Bring Your Own Device program Up-to-date computer labs Multiple laptop carts Active slates in all teacher classrooms Mounted projectors in all teacher classrooms Multiple SmartBoards available
Meeting Student Needs Gifted and Talented Academy Bilingual program English as a Second Language Special Education with Inclusion Support Resource classes Life Skills Dyslexia program
Clubs and Activities Student Council Quiz Bowl Future Problem Solvers Math Club Book Club KIPPERS – Environmental Club Robotics Club Running Club Annual District Track Meet Kung Fu and Tai Chi Honor Choir Peer Buddies – Mentoring exceptional children Yearbook 21st Century After School Program
Student Accomplishments Scripps Spelling Bee Our School Spelling Bee champion won the Pearland Independent School District Spelling Bee and competed in the Houston Regional Spelling Bee on PBS. Student Council Recognized as a National Honors Student Council for the past three years for excellence in leadership, citizenship, and community service. One of only 64 schools in the state of Texas to receive this award. “A positive attitude will reduce friction to a fraction.” –Coach Sab
In the News “Future Problem Solvers Win Top Awards at State, International Meets” 2nd place State Individual Competition Jr. Division “Four Artists Recognized at Houston Rodeo” Best of Show award Received scholarships to attend Glassell School of Art program at the Museum of Fine Arts “Quiz Bowl Students Conquer Rome in One Evening” First place Super Quiz 6th grade team Second Place General Trivia 5th and 6th grade teams “Student Leaders Take on Lone Star Heritage” Student participation in the Lone Star Leadership Academy
Student Opportunities to get Involved Scholastic Great Bedtime Story Drive Students collected over 55 pairs of new pajamas for underprivileged children. Pop Tab Collection for Ronald McDonald House Students collected pop tabs the entire year to raise money for outreach projects. Fire Victim Collection Students collected and sorted toiletries, clothing, and other essentials for victims of the Waller County wildfires. Pearland Pantry Food Drive Students collected non-perishable items to replenish the depleted pantry at the Pearland Food Bank. “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” –Coach Sab
Bully Free Zone Designated as a No Place for Hate Campus through the Anti-Defamation League of Houston Character lessons Online bully reporting system Mix-It Up at Lunch Day No-Name Calling Week Anti-Bullying Week Stomp Out Bullying Day Stood Up Day
Diverse Student Population
Exceptional Teaching Staff The average years of experience for Sablatura teachers is 10.9 years!
Proven Academic Success 2011 Accountability Rating of Recognized! State Campus The Sablatura Advantage! Reading 90 % 94 % +4 Math 84 % 91 % +7 Science 83 % 93 % +10 All Tests 76 % 85 % +9 Sablatura students outperform their Texas peers on EVERY test!
Outstanding Commended Performance State Campus The Sablatura Advantage! Reading 33 % 41 % +8 Math 29 % 42 % +13 Science 30 % 51 % +21 Sablatura students outperform their Texas peers on EVERY test!
We Have it All! Great Leadership Exceptional Teaching Staff Diverse Student Population Parent and School Collaboration Communication Advanced Technology Student Clubs and Activities Opportunities for Involvement Academic Success!
“Have a super fine day!”