Progress Update OnSpatial Data Infrastructure A Regional Geospatial Open Data Repository? 2013 Pacific Islands GIS/RS User Conference 18th – 22nd November.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress Update OnSpatial Data Infrastructure A Regional Geospatial Open Data Repository? 2013 Pacific Islands GIS/RS User Conference 18th – 22nd November Suva, Fiji Islands Sachindra Singh Systems Developer Data Management Section AGDT/SPC

Outline Highlight AGTD/SPC Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Efforts Explore Previous Implementations Advice on limitations and issues encountered with implementations Discuss Lessons Learnt and Way Forward SDI Goals and Expectations Geonode Adoption PacGeo Initiative Ongoing SDI development work Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Early efforts - Mapserver 2004/2005 SOPAC deployed and trained users in 14 Pacific Island Countries on UNM Mapserver as part of EU/EDF Pacific Islands Vulnerability project. Status: Defunct Limitations: Complex to use, need knowledge of HTML/CGI to make useful user interfaces Need to write comprehensive mapfiles for each layer to style data and expose OGC web services Doesn’t scale well, suitable for single projects Performance issues with rendering complex maps (though MapCache etc. helps) Programming/IT skillsets required to upload and maintain data Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Early Efforts - Geonetwork 2007 Deployed by Oceans and Islands Programme to catalog the Pacific Marine and Oceanographic products collected by our surveyors and from external organizations Status: Active (widely used) Pacific Bathymetry Maps, Datasets, Reports, Historical Aerial Photographs, Deep Sea Minerals Sample Information, South Pacific Sea Level and Climate, Monitoring Project Information, Pacific Maritime Boundary Information, Scientific Cruise Reports and Data, Coastal & Terrestrial Geological Maps, Satellite Images, Seismic Shot-points, SOPAC Historical scanned maps and Charts (magnetic anomalies, maps from gravity & electromagnetic surveys) Limitations: Only a metadata catalogue for spatially referenced resources No provision for interactive datasets No OGC Webservices (only CSW) Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Early Efforts GeoServer/PostGIS 2009 Common Data Platform GeoServer web mapping platform and PostGIS Spatial database Used to develop custom project-specific applications Eg: Kiriwatsan – Kiribati Water Resources Assessment Database Status: Active Limitations: Enterprise-level programming skillsets, Simple Features SQL knowledge required Web development knowledge Reinventing the wheel across each project Minimum reusability of code and data Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Lessons Learnt – SDI Required “[Spatial Data Infrastructure] provides a basis for spatial data discovery, evaluation, and application for users and providers within all levels of government, the commercial sector, the non-profit sector, academia and by citizens in general.” – SDI Cookbook A generic and inter-connected set of systems that enables easy management and publication of geospatial data. Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Caveats SDI adopted should be: Evolutionary NOT Revolutionary Existing investments in previous implementations retained Previous efforts should not be undermined (Interoperable) Data migration supported Disaster Recovery and Redundancy mechanisms provided Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Geonode Platform Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community GeoNode is a web-based application and platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI). It is designed to be extended and modified, and can be integrated into existing platforms. Builds upon: Geonetwork GeoServer PostGIS GeoTools

PCRAFI Pacific Risk Information System Geonode initially adopted by AGTD/SPC for the Pacific Castrophe Risk Assessment Financing Initiative. Supported by World Bank, Asian Development, Bank, New Zealand GNS, Pacific Disaster Centre, Government of Japan, and OpenGeo (now BoundlessGeo) AGTD/SPC was an early adopter. Version 0.7 – 1.0 – 1.2 – 2.0 (development stream). 2 nd Public wide-scale Geonode Deployment after AGTD/SPC contributed some core features, such as photo display, comments and ratings etc. Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

PCRAFI Pacific Risk Information System Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community Largest open access geospatial data online in the region Approx. 500 individual layers, within hundreds of thousands of attributes Satellite imagery, Topographic maps, Bathymetry maps, Surface geology maps Surface soil maps, Land Cover/Land Use maps, Geodetic and fault data, historical catalogues of tropical cyclones and earthquakes, infrastructure, population Photographs of buildings, bridges and other infrastructure from 15 Pacific Island Countries

SOPAC Geonode Different projects, different data, different requirements, different access levels : ONE SOLUTION Singular Platform Geonode Platform Version 2 (development stream) Used internally within the division by all programmes Unified Approach to Cataloguing, Archiving and Exposing Diverse GIS/Spatial Datasets Zero IT Expertise required to expose, share and geospatial data Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

SOPAC Geonode Adoption Fiji Forestry Department Fiji REDD Plus Website Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

PacGeo Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community Initiative to provide an open access geospatial geospatial data repository for the Pacific region PacGeo started life as the Pacific Island Marine Spatial Information System Oceans and Islands Programme – as an evolution of Geonetwork Since inception has broaden it's scope to be an all encompassing geospatial platform to catalogue, administer and expose geophysical, geodetic and specialist marine spatial data. Completion Timeframe: April, 2014

PacGeo Stakeholders Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community OrganisationDeveloper SPCSachindra Singh GeoScience AustraliaSteven Ackley Uni. SydneyMax Kaye

PacGeo Features Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community 3D Maps (DTM) on top of Google Earth plugin Documents and reports tied to layers and maps Videos and animations Fully OGC Webservices Compliance: WMS, WFS, WCS, WMS-T and CSW

PacGeo Features In Development Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community Cloud Hosting – Amazon Web Services, Sydney Data Center Android Frontend Quantum GIS Integration Plugin (builds on Geoserver plugin) Federation (other PacGeo deployments, on-site data hosting) Portable/Local Editions (no internet required)

SOPAC-3/CRGA Outcome Adopted Member Countries Endorsement The SOPAC Division is also urged to develop an open-access GIS-based regional data repository for the geosciences and other areas related to mineral development and developing a protocol on how the information is managed that ensures the security of Members' intellectual property and could include mechanisms for licensing for access and use. The Division is encouraged to adopt whole-of-Division approaches to information systems and delivery of data and information held. The PACGEO initiative perhaps offers an opportunity to progress this. Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Free and Open Source System PacGeo is open source – the software is free and if it proves successful PICT’s can easily and cheaply adopt similar domestic approaches Low Total Cost of Ownership, No Licensing Fees, No Royalties, No Upgrade Costs PacGeo is compatible with our existing efforts and many spatial data systems all over the world Comprehensive and flexible integrated security built in (Group/Individual) Source code is freely available - No departmental/organizational IT and programming skill-sets required to use Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Thanks Links /Support Applied GeoScience and Technology Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community