National Energy Action Working in Bournemouth Reducing Energy Usage Bournemouth 2026 Information / Networking Event Bethany Redley 11 th December 2013
The National Picture The average annual fuel bill is now £1320, up from £605 in 2004 Figures were released last week showing that 31,000 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2012/13 - a 29% increase from the previous winter. (Office National Statistics) Low Income High Cost definition now used – 2.4 million households in fuel poverty The average fuel poverty gap (the additional amount a household would need, per year, to make their energy bills affordable) is £438. (4.5 million homes in the UK in fuel poverty % definition) Predicted by CSE for 2013;
More locally Fuel Poverty - LIHC Excess Winter Deaths RegionNo. households in fuel poverty Total no. households % hh in FPAverage fuel poverty gap (£) South West211,0002,248, Total UK2,390,00021,918, /82008/92009/102010/112011/125 year average Bournemouth Poole Bristol, City of
National policy Focus on homes with the poorest energy efficiency rating NEAs campaigning aim – – That no low income households in EPC D or C rated homes by 2030 – (no EPC E, F or G rated homes by 2020) Closer links with health sector
Engaging Communities in Bournemouth Aim - to raise awareness of fuel poverty and help available Bill Management days Community Partnership Workshop Training for frontline staff – Energy Champions
Working with the Health Sector Supporting Poole and Bournemouth Health and Wellbeing Board to develop/implement public health priorities on fuel poverty Awareness raising sessions and study with frontline health professionals Workshops with GPs Workshop with AW group & HWB members Review AW Strategies Present project findings to HWB
Refreshing the AW Strategy Warm and Healthy Homes aims to achieve: An end to fuel poverty for vulnerable householders by 2010 An end to fuel poverty for all by 2016 In order to achieve this partners will seek to: Increase Awareness Increase awareness of fuel poverty, energy issues and provide an effective and trusted energy advice network. Increase Income Help low-income consumers in their dealings with energy suppliers and maximise income, reduce outgoings, and improve debt management. Improve Housing Improve energy efficiency of housing and help create sustainable communities.
Bethany Redley Project Development Coordinator c/o Exeter City Council, Room 1-42, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter, EX1 1JN Mobile: Landline: