By: Jacob Howard, Trey Kinison, Autumn Coomes, Wade Hall
We would like to make a “Shanty Town” in a local park and spend the night in boxes Goal: to raise awareness for the homeless community of Owensboro and take up donations/money for the Daniel Pitino Shelter Funding requested: $495.77
An actual Shanty Town is a community of very poor people living in crudely built houses. We want to replicate this community to provide a visual along with our message.
We will involve local citizens in our Shantytown A suggested donation of $15 per person to participate in the Shantytown- BOYB(Bring your own Box) The night of the Shantytown, information will be displayed around the park to inform the public Breakfast will be served the next morning (McDonald’s) Target audience: All people of Owensboro
All money and donations received from the public will be donated to the Daniel Pitino Shelter. Daniel Pitino Shelter- homeless shelter in Owensboro Supplies wanted: canned goods diapers (all sizes) towels and washcloths blankets pillows and pillowcases sheets (twin and full) soap shampoo deodorant feminine hygiene products laundry detergent
Informational Goals: Inform 100 people in Owensboro about the homeless population Have 50 people participate in our Shantytown We will determine how many people were informed by passing out questionnaires to people before and after attending the event
One in seven people in the United States live below the poverty line, which is $22,113 per year for a family of four (Bread of the World, 2013). One in five children in the United States lives below the poverty line (Bread of the World, 2013). Many of these people cannot afford housing and are forced to live out on the streets.
Kentucky had the 4 th largest percentage of homeless kids in America in 2007 (Examiner, 2007). Nearly 30,000 minors are without permanent housing in Kentucky (Examiner, 2007).
Homeless people are three to six times more likely to become ill than housed people. (National Health Care for the Homeless Council, 2008) People who live on the streets or spend most of their time outside are at high risk for frostbite, immersion foot, and hypothermia, especially during the winter or rainy periods. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2012) As a result of these factors, homeless people are three to four times more likely to die than the general population (O’Connell, 2005).
“One Night Without a Home”- nationwide program where other students and citizens raise awareness for the homeless An example of an event similar to our Shanty Town that has proven successful in the past.
March- Project approval by experts and city park, and funders April- Advertise, start registration for Shantytown, and begin collaboration with Pitino shelter May- Advertise, finish registration, make final adjustments, and gather supplies
Daniel Pitino Shelter- they may assist by sending a representative to talk at Shantytown Owensboro City Police- policemen may need to be present that night to keep all participants from harm Owensboro Parks and Recreation- we must receive permission to hold event at a public park
We will have a group design the advertisement parts. We will have students be in charge of registrations and all of the money. Another group will gather all of the supplies for the project…collection tins for donations, duct tape, microphone for speakers, etc.
Potential Funders: OMHS, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Owensboro, and The Kentucky Department for Public Health The money we receive from a grant will go towards two things: advertising and breakfast * The newspaper ad will run for 10 days
Our project is a Shantytown, in which we will spend the night in boxes to demonstrate the daily lives of the homeless. The goal is to spread awareness of homelessness and assist the homeless in our community through the Daniel Pitino Shelter. Money required: $495.77
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (January, 2013). Overdose Deaths Among Homeless Persons. [Accessed 1/3/2014]. Retrieved from: director/2013/01/overdose-deaths-among-homeless-persons director/2013/01/overdose-deaths-among-homeless-persons The Daniel Pitino Shelter. ( ). Our Current Needs. [Accessed 1/3/2014]. Retrieved from: Examiner. (March 13, 2009). Kentucky’s 29,410 Homeless Kids. [Accessed 1/3/2014]. Retrieved from: Bread for the World. (2013). Hunger and Poverty Facts. [Accessed 1/3/2014]. Retrieved from: National Coalition for the Homeless. (February 21, 2012). Health Care and Homelessness. [Accessed 3/4/2014] Retrieved from: