Kay Hauck REMC 5 Director
Does your classroom have a face?
Does your classroom have a face …………………. online?
21 Things 4 Teachers Thing 1
What should you choose? To consider: Your audience (students, parents, teachers, colleagues) What kinds of things do you want to make available? (Documents, web links, video, calendar, pictures, assignments, etc.) Do you want two-way interaction? (Online discussion, online quizzes/tests/assignments, etc.)
Talk to your neighbor… Do you have a web presence? If yes, what are you using and what do you like/dislike about it? If no, why not?
Weebly CAN DOs Create multiple pages Add pictures Upload documents Web links Chose look and feel Embed video Collect student work CAN’T DOs Upload video (pro) Audio files (pro) Online discussion Online quizzes/tests
Why Weebly? FREE Drag and Drop Education version has special features allowing assignment submission and class set-up for student portfolios Looks great – is a true “Website”
Weebly Demo Demo Sample sites:
Student accounts
LiveBinders CAN DOs Create multiple pages Add pictures (Flickr) Upload documents Web links Embed video (YouTube) CAN’T Dos Chose look and feel Upload video Audio files Collect student work Online discussion Online quizzes/tests
Why LiveBinders? FREE Recognizable binder layout Easy to add content with “binder it” tool Great way to assemble Websites in one place
CAN DOs Create multiple pages (groups) Add pictures Upload documents Web links Embed video Upload video Audio files CAN DOs Audio files Collect student work Online discussion Online quizzes/tests CAN’T DO Choose look and feel
Why Edmodo? FREE Looks and acts like Facebook Demo Demo Support system of teachers Demo – Edmodo in Action Demo – Edmodo in Action Is a true “Social Network” for you classroom
Moodle CAN DOs Create multiple pages Add pictures Upload documents Web links Chose look and feel Embed video Collect student work CAN DOs Upload video Audio files Online discussion Online quizzes/tests
Why Moodle? FREE Designed to be a Course Management System Lessons Book feature Online assignments, quizzes, tests Two-way interaction with students Flexible format
Moodle What is Moodle? What is Moodle?
Moodle My Moodle My Moodle
Choose your “face” 1. Decide what you want to accomplish 2. Find out what is available Moodle? Your own school Website?
Create your “face”
Kay Hauck