China Compulsory Product Certification System- CCC Mark
Documentation-laws and regulations Law of Standardization of The Peoples Republic of China: category, nature and means of implementing standards Law of Product Quality of The Peoples Republic of China: certification system, surveillance system, stipulations for responsibilities of certification bodies, local organizations and manufacturers and wholesaler or retailer, and penalties for breach of law. Law of Import/Export Commodity Inspection of The Peoples republic of China: license system of safety quality for imported commodities compulsory product certification system
Documentation-laws and regulations Regulation for Compulsory Product Certification Regulation for Compulsory Product Certification Mark
Organizational Assurance System for compulsory product certification (Management/Implementation Bodies) 1. State Administration of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine – AQSIQ 2. China Administration of National Certification and Accreditation-CNCA 3. AQSIQ local branches 4. Designated certification bodies (by CNCA) 5. Test laboratories and inspection bodies designated by CNCA
AQSIQ AQSIQ is a ministerial administrative organ directly under the State Council of China in responsible for business of standard, metrology, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine.
AQSIQ Rules and regulations set out for compulsory product certification Review and approval of Catalogue jointly issued with CNCA
CNCA CNCA was established in Aug under the administration of AQSIQ with the direct authorization from the State Council Responsibilities: to perform unified coordination, administration and supervision over certification and accreditation across the country
CNCA To draw up and modify the Catalogue to be published jointly with AQAIQ To designate and issue implementation rules set out for certification of products listed in the Catalogue To work out and issue certification mark, format of the certificate To designate the certification bodies, inspection bodies, test labs, whoever conducting certification tasks, and mark releasing bodies To publish the official list of the certified products and the relevant manufacturers
CNCA To direct AQSIQ local Branches to hunt down those who violate the compulsory certification To approve the issues relating the exemption of those products from compulsory certification, used for special purposes To accept and deal with the complaints or appeals regarding China compulsory certification
AQSIQ local branches To supervise the listed products in the area under its jurisdiction. The key points of such supervision include: products that are not certified or not affixed with certification markings Products that are counterfeited or faked with certification markings and those of products in question (for example the products which the consumers complain about). To prohibit the uncertified products, listed in the Catalogue, from coming into the area under its jurisdiction To hunt down the illegal activities on compulsory product certification, conducted by those of manufacturers, wholesaler or retailer, importers who have violated the rules for compulsory certification of products listed in Catalogue; The penalties are handled in accordance with management rules for compulsory product certification, depending on the extent of breach of rules
AQSIQ local branches During surveillance inspection or investigation, breach of rules by certification bodies, inspection bodies, test bodies or certification personnel is reported to and handled by CNCA, with the assistance offered by AQSIQ local branches. The issues relating to penalties are taken by provincial AQSIQ entrusted by CNCA
Designated certification bodies (by CNCA) Implementation bodies conducting compulsory product certification: To carry out the certification activities for specific products, following the rules for implementing the certification; to issue the certificates to relevant manufacturers who have been granted the certification for their certified products. To conduct the follow up inspection on certified products and manufacturers To suspend, cancel and/or withdraw certificates To deal with the complaints and appeals concerning certified products and/or certification applicant
Test laboratories and inspection bodies designated by CNCA Test laboratories and inspection bodies designated by CNCA provide such services to certification bodies as conducting product tests and factory inspection entrusted by certification bodies. To ensure the accuracy of the certification results and to undertake the corresponding legal obligations
CCC Mark
Basic Technical Request of CCC Mark System 1. Certification Model and Choice 1.1 Design appraisal 1.2 Type testing 1.3 Testing or inspection of samples taken from the factories. 1.4 Testing or inspection of samples taken from the market 1.5 Assessment of manufacturer's quality assurance system 1.6 Follow-up inspection on certified products
Implementation rules CNCA establish and declare the implementation rules for the products in Catalogue which refer to ISO/IEC Guide 28, it includes the following contents: 1) Scope of applicable products 2) Technical regulations and national standards corresponding to the applicable products 3) Certification model and related product scope and standard 4) Requirements for the division of the product application unit 5) Requirements of product sampling 6) Requirements for the confirmation of key parts and components (when necessary) 7) Requirements for testing standards and rules 8) Special requirements for factory inspection (when necessary) 9) Special requirements for follow-up inspection 10) Special requirements to apply certification mark to applicable products 11) Others
Certification Procedures 1)Application and acceptance 2)Type testing 3)Factory inspection 4)Sample testing 5)Evaluation of certification results and approval of certication 6)Follow-up inspection
The first Catalogue of Products Subject to CCC Mark- 132 categories 1.EWC-Electrical Wires and Cables (5 categories) 2.SCIPCD-Switches for Circuits, Installation Protective and Connection Devices ( 6 categories) 3.LVEA-Low voltage Electrical Apparatus (9 categories) 4.SPM-Small Power Motors (1 category) 5.ET-Electric Tools (16 categories) 6.WM-Welding Machines (15 categories) 7.HSUA-Household and Similar Use Appliances (18 categories) 8.AVA-Audio and Video Apparatus (16 categories) 9.ITE-Information Technology Equipment (12 categories)
The first Catalogue of Products Subject to CCC Mark- 132 categories 10) LA-Lighting Apparatus (2 categories) 11) TTE-Telecommunication Terminal Equipment (9 categories) 12) MVSP-Motor Vehicles and Safety Parts (4 categories) 13) MVT-Motor Vehicle Tires (3 categories) 14) SG-Safety Glasses (3 categories) 15) AM-Agricultural Machinery (1 category) 16) LP-Latex Products (1 category) 17) MD-Medical Devices (7 categories) 18) FFP-Fire Fighting Products (3 categories) 19) DIAS-Detectors for Intruder Alarm System (1 category)