Childhood Diseases Ms. Perez
Bell ringer How many of you have had Chicken Pox? How did you get it?
What is a communicable disease? Spreads from person to person. You can catch it from someone or something else. Spreads from person to person. You can catch it from someone or something else.
How illness is spread Many childhood diseases are contagious Chicken Pox Pink eye Ringworm Diarrhea Impentigo Many childhood diseases are contagious Chicken Pox Pink eye Ringworm Diarrhea Impentigo
Diseases are spread by germs -In feces -In coughing (colds, chicken pox) -In direct contact (touching) -In blood and bodily fluids Sometimes cuts and sores -In feces -In coughing (colds, chicken pox) -In direct contact (touching) -In blood and bodily fluids Sometimes cuts and sores
Best Prevention -ALWAYS CAREFUL HAND WASHING -Can’t tell if a person is sick, people are contagious before symptoms occur -Can spread illness even if you don’t get sick -ALWAYS CAREFUL HAND WASHING -Can’t tell if a person is sick, people are contagious before symptoms occur -Can spread illness even if you don’t get sick
Best prevention Wash hands after each diapering, after each kleenex/runny nose, before snack, after using the toilet Sanitize diaper changing area and change paper for EACH child Diapers go in lined garbage can Wear gloves whenever changing diapers and coming in contact with blood Dispose of gloves and bloody materials in lined can, wash hands, sanitize area’ Sanitize/wash toys and surfaces in area Wash hands after each diapering, after each kleenex/runny nose, before snack, after using the toilet Sanitize diaper changing area and change paper for EACH child Diapers go in lined garbage can Wear gloves whenever changing diapers and coming in contact with blood Dispose of gloves and bloody materials in lined can, wash hands, sanitize area’ Sanitize/wash toys and surfaces in area
What do you think is wrong with these children?
Watch video And respond to questions on the worksheet.
Go over worksheet questions and answers
Fun Song Friday! “Teddy Bear Teddy Bear” Teddy bear, teddy bear,Turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear,Touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear,shine your shoes. Teddy bear, teddy bear I love you Teddy bear, teddy bear,go upstairs. Teddy bear, teddy bear,say your prayers. Teddy bear, teddy bear,turn out the light. Teddy bear, teddy bear,Say good night “Teddy Bear Teddy Bear” Teddy bear, teddy bear,Turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear,Touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear,shine your shoes. Teddy bear, teddy bear I love you Teddy bear, teddy bear,go upstairs. Teddy bear, teddy bear,say your prayers. Teddy bear, teddy bear,turn out the light. Teddy bear, teddy bear,Say good night
The cutest clip ever j1_haPk4
TOTD What is one way YOU will prevent the spread of diseases in Tiny Tiger’s Pre- School
Bell ringer How long should you wash your hands for?
Why wash your hands? When?
When to wash your hands? EVERYDAY before pre-school Before eating After blowing your nose After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet After touching the garbage Before or after treating a cut or wound After using the bathroom (duh) EVERYDAY before pre-school Before eating After blowing your nose After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet After touching the garbage Before or after treating a cut or wound After using the bathroom (duh)
Center for Disease Controls Hand Washing Guidelines Wet your hands with clean running water(warm or cold) and apply soap Rub your hands together and make a lather Make sure you scrub the back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails Wet your hands with clean running water(warm or cold) and apply soap Rub your hands together and make a lather Make sure you scrub the back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails
Center for Disease Controls Hand Washing Guidelines Continue rubbing your hands for AT LEAST 20 seconds. Hum “happy birthday” or the “alphabet” from the start to the end. Rinse your hands well under running water Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry Continue rubbing your hands for AT LEAST 20 seconds. Hum “happy birthday” or the “alphabet” from the start to the end. Rinse your hands well under running water Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry
Demonstration What should I do first? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? What should I do first? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth?
Hand washing assessment -Two people will come up here and wash their hands the correct way and I will grade them -The rest of you will be reading the article “Is it a Cold or Flu” and will be making a Venn Diagram -Two people will come up here and wash their hands the correct way and I will grade them -The rest of you will be reading the article “Is it a Cold or Flu” and will be making a Venn Diagram
Cold or Flu Read the article and make a venn diagram between the differences and similarities between a cold and a flu
Go over Venn Diagram
What to do if a child is sick? If a child sneezes or has boogers hanging from their nose, get a kleenex, and help them then go to wash both of your hands If a child appears to be running a fever, let me know, I may call parent to come get their child If a child sneezes or has boogers hanging from their nose, get a kleenex, and help them then go to wash both of your hands If a child appears to be running a fever, let me know, I may call parent to come get their child
What to do if a child is sick? If a child cuts themself and is bleeding, get me. If I am busy put on gloves, wash the cut, and put on a band aid If a child bumps their head, get ice pack and let me know First aid kit is located above fridge in kitchen If a child cuts themself and is bleeding, get me. If I am busy put on gloves, wash the cut, and put on a band aid If a child bumps their head, get ice pack and let me know First aid kit is located above fridge in kitchen
If time, walk down to pre- school Find First aid kit Gloves Hand sanitizer and sinks Find First aid kit Gloves Hand sanitizer and sinks
TOTD Why is washing your hands SO important?