Section 18.1 Role of Political Parties
Political Parties Political Party = An organized group that seeks to win elections. Issues are used to win!
Functions of Political Parties Parties assist the electoral process Parties inform the Electorate about voting Get Out The Vote campaigns (GOTV). Educate voters about candidates.
Functions of Political Parties Parties assist the Electoral Process Provide broad stances on complicated issues. Creates coalitions of different groups under one umbrella.
Functions of Political Parties Parties help organize the government. Help determine leadership on Committees. Assist in filling executive branch positions.
Functions of Political Parties Parties help candidates run for office. Candidates receive support to run a campaign. Monetary Helps voters identify candidate's stances. Total Candidates numbers are kept down by parties.
Types of Party Systems Two-Party System. First Past the Post voting. Other parties can exist, but hard to win! Parties are big tents for different groups. Parties lean towards moderate stances.
Types of Party Systems One-Party System One party dominates all political activity. Only party allowed by law. Typically found in dictatorships. Happens sometimes in two-party systems A party collapses leaving only its opposite.
Types of Party Systems Multi-Party Systems Voting by Proportional Representation Done by many European countries. Lots of small/moderate parties. More specific stances on issues. More unstable, but more democratic?