Proposing the introduction of Benefits Based Charging Public Consultation 29 November to December 3
Welfare benefits outline Bernard Cysewski Senior Visiting Welfare Officer Welfare Rights Service Revenues & Benefits
Welfare benefits outline Attendance Allowance £47.80 & £71.40 Disability Living Allowance Care £18.95, £47.80 & £71.40 Disability Living Allowance Mobility £18.95 & £49.85 Severe Disability Premium £53.65 Carers Allowance £53.90 Carers Premium £30.05
Headlines Additional Disability related needs will be taken account of –to ensure that everyone maintains the Minimum Income Guarantee of £ for an Older person and £ per week for a Younger Adult with a disability premium. Everyone’s welfare benefits will be maximised Your charge will remain the same irrespective of how your needs change
Headlines Continued Residential care –If you have assets above £23,250 you would have to use those assets to pay for residential care –The minimum charge in residential care is £ (per week). –After you’ve paid the charge you receive a personal expenses allowance of between £22.30 and £28.05 (per week)
Outline Proposal We are proposing to move to a benefits based charging system for all non residential care services Why ? – Inequity of the current system – Current charges are too wide ranging – Delays in service users knowing the charge
Benefits based model Fairness – Everyone pays something Related to disability benefits Model aligns to the personalisation agenda increasing choice, control, and independence
Proposed Charges Assuming that you want to use your Disability Related Benefits for the Local Authority to arrange your care the following tables show what you could pay
Disability benefit Weekly Amount Paid Severe Disability Premium Weekly Charge Payable Attendance Allowance £47.80Nil£23.90 Attendance Allowance £47.80£53.65£77.55 Attendance Allowance £71.40Nil£35.70 Attendance Allowance £71.40£53.65£89.35 Disability Living Allowance Care Component £18.95Nil£9.48 Benefits Based Charging Model proposal
Disability Living Allowance Care Component £47.80Nil£23.90 Disability Living Allowance Care Component £47.80£53.65£77.55 Disability Living Allowance Care Component £71.40Nil£35.70 Disability Living Allowance Care Component £71.40£53.65£89.35 Benefits Based Charging Model proposal continued
Other charging developments A charge for the social care response service Respite care Transport Adaptations' Adult Placements
Proposing the introduction of Benefits Based Charging Any Questions?