Testing and Assessment Services at Fayetteville State University University Testing Services Full-service academic, professional and corporate testing center
OUR VISION University Testing Services will be the centralized University office for assessment and evaluation.
OUR MISSION To support the academic and student services divisions of Fayetteville State University in two distinct ways: By providing high quality testing and assessment services to students, faculty, and administrative units, and By extending testing services to local and external communities through a variety of technologically advanced assessment programs.
Current Organizational Structure Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Effectiveness Testing Institutional Research
Our Assessment Philosophy Assessment is an integral part of the continuous process of learning and development with the purpose of enhancing a student’s total university experience. Assessment uses well-defined outcomes and criteria employing multiple measures. The information derived from assessment activities will be used to facilitate student learning and development, to promote faculty and staff growth and to improve the quality of academic and nonacademic programs, services and facilities.
Rationale for Testing Services Testing is just one means of assessment. It is a vehicle through which assessment of student learning outcomes is accomplished, as well as a resource that provides students, faculty, staff, community and business partners with an attitude of service that demonstrates value in human relationships, personal excellence, human dignity, diversity and commitment to lifelong learning.
Major Assessment Programs ACCUPLACER (New Student Placement) College BASE (General Education Outcomes Assessment) Student Satisfaction Inventory (Strategic Planning Tool) Campus Quality Survey (Employee Survey) Major Field Tests (Program Outcomes Assessment) Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)
National Testing Programs Certification and Credentialing American Board of Vascular Medicine (ABVM) American Board of Vascular Medicine Automotive Service Excellence Exam (ASE) Automotive Service Excellence Exam Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Association of Social Work Boards Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) Commission on Dietetic Registration Compass - Internet Version Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board
National Testing Programs Graduate Admissions (GRE, MAT, LSAT) Credit by Exam (CLEP, DANTES) Undergraduate Admissions (SAT, TOEFL) Personality and Interest (MBTI, Strong)
Generic Assessments Alumni Outcomes Survey University College Student Needs Assessment FSU Housing Preferences Survey Teacher Use of Technology Survey Bronco-”Kick-Off” Evaluation Orientation Evaluation – Fall 2006
Faculty Services A comprehensive website of testing and assessment information – Proctored exams for other institutions Test scanning and scoring Survey creation and analysis Consultation services for test interpretation Make-up testing
Students Convenient scheduling and facilities “One-stop” testing center Competent advice regarding testing issues Faculty/Staff Equipment for scanning and scoring classroom tests Out of class make-up testing Item analysis and summary analysis Community Promotes positive image of FSU Convenient location for testing needs Benefits of Testing Program
FAST FACTS First educational institution in N.C. to have a computer-based test center. Administered more than 13,000 tests during the academic year. Testing staff are professional, competent, and helpful.
Where to find us…. University Testing Services is located in 134 Collins Administration Building or or – Visit our website at for information on all of our programs and service