Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Technology can be utilized throughout the curriculum to encourage creativity & critical thinking, thus increasing student achievement
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Technology can be used to address all learning styles; Visual, Tactile/Kinesthetic & Auditory, thus capturing & holding student interest More about Learning Styles can be found at the url below in a Learning Styles Chart:
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Graphic Organizers such as Kidspiration/Inspiration are wonderful organizational tools, especially for Visual Learners: Inspiration Interactive On-line Demonstration: ation/interactive_demo/index.cfm
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Technology tools enable students to explore/investigate topics in-depth, fostering critical thinking skills & creativity Webquests are a great example! Career Exploration WebQuest: emr.html emr.html Interactive Applets are another example. Interactive Math & Personal Finance Hotlist: hpermr1.html hpermr1.html
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Technology can provide access to information/tools otherwise unavailable On-line Resources for teachers & students: Teacher Resources Hotlist: istteachingmr2.html istteachingmr2.html
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Geography/Social Studies Resources: African Geography Hotlist: tafricanmr10.html Ex. Student Regional Map of Africa Activity using Painting/Drawing
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology U.S. Presidential Timeline Treasure Hunt: ntuspremr.html Ex. Student Presidential Timeline Activity using Drawing
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology Technology can be used to reinforce important learning concepts Spreadsheets and formulas can be a great way to reinforce math concepts Ex. Budget Spreadsheet Activity
Enhancing Curriculum with Technology There are many more examples of how technology can be used to enhance curriculum located at the following link (using the search term “darmody”):