CRM Prep Workshop Part 2 Records Creation and Use
Objectives At the end of this presentation, you should be able to: 1.Understand what is covered by each of the major headings in Part 2 of the Outline. 2.Know what to study for on the exam. 3.Know where to find study materials.
Bibliography ARMA publications on filing NARA and GSA publications on correspondence management, forms management and reports management Bennick, Ann, Active Filing for Business Records Flynn, Nancy and Randolph Kahn, Rules: A Business Guide to... Saffady, William, Managing Electronic Records
A. Records Creation 1.Definition and objectives 2.Cost considerations 3.Media considerations 4.Methods of creation a. Manual b. Automated 5. Legal compliance
B. Documentation of Business Transactions 1.Evidence of business activities 2.Risk assessment a. Litigation b. Security c. Vital Records 3.Policies, procedures and audits 4.Legislative/regulatory environment and compliance
C. Correspondence Management 1.Definition and objectives 2.Electronic communication tools 3. etiquette
D. Documentation of Policies and Procedures 1.Definitions and objectives 2.Preparation guidelines 3.Distribution and maintenance 4.Documentation and distribution alternatives
E. Forms Management 1.Definition and objectives 2.Authority and responsibility 3.Program elements 4.Creating effective forms 5.Forms control 6.Production and distribution
E. Forms Management 6.Production and distribution a. Printing specifications and materials b. Use analysis and stocking patterns c. Supercession policy d. Production technology. 7. Special considerations for electronic forms
E. Forms Management 7.Special considerations for electronic forms a. Design considerations b. Machine readable forms c. Automatic population from electronic forms d. Conversion from paper forms
F. Mail Management and Facilities 1.Definition and objectives 2.Authority and responsibility 3.Program elements 4.Facilities a. Layout and design b. Equipment 5.Incoming mail 6.Outgoing mail
G. Electronic Communications 1.Intranet and Internet 2.Internet service providers 3.Bulletin boards 4.Distribution 5.Controls/security 6.Websites 7.Unified messaging
H. Reprographics Management 1.Definitions and objectives 2.Copies 3.Printing facilities