Click “ 加入我們 ” to enter the Microsoft Career Website
Enter Microsoft Career Website
At Region/Country category, Select “Taiwan”
Click “Search”
Display opening positions
Click the position that you interested in for more details(Job Description).
The Job Description for the position that you are interested in
Click “Apply” for application submission process
You need a Resume/CV to apply, choose “ Create Resume/CV” for applying
You can build a new Resume/CV or copy & paste Resume/CV
Option 1: If you choose “Copy & Paste Resume/CV Enter your data and Copy & Paste
Click “Done” after complete all the column for Resume/CV submission
Click “Apply” for final step in application submission process.
Congratulations, you’ve applied this position successfully, click OK to confirmation
You could find the Job that you have applied for
Option 2: Resume/CV Builder
Build your Resume/CV--Stet 1: enter Resume/CV title, then click “Nest”
Build your Resume/CV--Stet 2: enter your Personal information, then click “Nest”
Build your Resume/CV--Stet 3: enter your Work History, and add another position
Build your Resume/CV--Stet 4: Add more Work History, then click “Next”
Build your Resume/CV--Stet 5: Enter your Education background, and add others or “Next”
Build your Resume/CV--Stet 6: Enter your Skills & Qualifications, and add others then “Done”
Click “Apply” for final step in application submission process.
Congratulations, you’ve applied this position successfully, click OK to confirmation
You could find the Job that you have applied for