“I Am Not Ashamed of The Gospel of Christ”
Jeroboam Established New Religion In Judah. Like the religion God had given in many ways: Altar Feast Priests Sacrifices Incense Was different in significant ways: Golden Calves in the place of God Priesthood not of the Levites Place: Dan & Bethel instead of Jerusalem Feast day: 8 th month 15th day instead of 7 th month 15th day 1 Kings 12:
3 It Is The Differences That Make The Difference!
Most Churches Are Alike In Many Ways…Even Like The Lord’s Church! In basic beliefs: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, etc. In membership: sincere & hypocrites. In their facilities & schedules: Buildings for worship Sunday services, midweek services, special meetings It Is The Differences That Make The Difference 1 Kings 12: Again, It’s The Differences That Make The Difference!
Three Areas That Significant Differences Make The Difference: The Plan Of Salvation That Is Taught: Most teach baptism but it is not essential to salvation. Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; 1 Pet. 3:21 Most teach faithfulness but it is not essential to go to Heaven. Rev. 2:10; Heb. 3:12,13; 1 Cor. 10:12 Some go so far as to teach “once saved always saved” or a “Christian can’t fall from grace”! It Is The Differences That Make The Difference 1 Kings 12:
Three Areas That Significant Differences Make The Difference: The Plan Of Salvation That Is Taught. The Activities Of The Church: In Worship – Some churches sing but also use mechanical instruments of music, quartets, choirs, etc. Eph. 5:19; 2 Jn. 9 Some churches serve Lord’s supper but not on Sunday or every Sunday. Acts 20:7 It Is The Differences That Make The Difference 1 Kings 12:
Three Areas That Significant Differences Make The Difference: The Plan Of Salvation That Is Taught. The Activities Of The Church: In Work – Most churches make effort to teach/preach, help the needy, and edify its members. But also provide benevolence to both members & non- members. They also provide social and recreational programs! It Is The Differences That Make The Difference 1 Kings 12:
Three Areas That Significant Differences Make The Difference: The Plan Of Salvation That Is Taught. The Activities Of The Church. The Structure Of The Church: Most churches have names without Bible authority. Col. 3:17 Most are organized beyond congregational level. Organizations above and below congregational level. Local congregation is the only N.T. organization. Acts 14:23; 1 Pet. 5:1-3 It Is The Differences That Make The Difference 1 Kings 12:
Three Areas That Significant Differences Make The Difference: The Plan Of Salvation That Is Taught. The Activities Of The Church. The Structure Of The Church: Most churches have names without Bible authority. Most are organized beyond congregational level. Leadership in most church differ from N.T.: In most churches the preacher is “the pastor”. In N.T. elders, pastors, & bishops are the same. Acts 14:23; 20:17; 1 Pet. 5:1-3 In N.T. preachers and pastors are not the same. It Is The Differences That Make The Difference 1 Kings 12:
10 Let us not be lulled into thinking that being alike in some ways is sufficient! REMEMBER: It’s The Differences That Make The Difference!
“I Am Not Ashamed of The Gospel of Christ”