Future Smart Cities Digital Agenda for Europe and Going Really Local Green & Digital Open Innovation, Open Data & Open Networks Future Internet enabled Smart Cities Internet of Things + Cloud + Open Data + 3D Setting the context mapping current experience & knowledge identifying challenges and opportunities creating open networks for Smart City collaboration
The CIP Smart Cities Portfolio Projects 2010
The CIP Smart Cities Portfolio Projects 2011 CITADEL... on the move – high speed mobile apps City SDK... Smart City Service Developer Kit – open source Smart City apps ecosystem Commons 4 Europe... Code Commons – collaborative web + Bottom-Up-Broadband Commons iCity... Linked Open Apps Ecosystem to open up Innovation in Smart Cities i-SCOPE... Interoperable Smart City Services through an Open Platform for Urban Ecosystems LiveCity... Live Video-to-Video supporting Interactive City Infrastructure + CIP Smart Cities Portfolio Projects approved in 2012, e.g. SPECIFI (Creative Ring) – launched in May 2013
Importance of networks – experience, knowledge exchange, partner source - Eurocities founded in 1986 and its Brussels office opened in Telecities founded in 1993 and first EC funded “European Digital Cities” project ( FP4) - led to further projects: - TEN-Telecom project ‘InfoCities’ (96-98) - IntelCity Roadmap project (FP5 – ) - Intelligent Cities project (FP6 – ) - Telecities became Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) in Manchester was a founding member of Telecities and the Living Labs network (2006) which became the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) - Eurocities KSF launched its Smart Cities working group in April 2011, co-chaired by Manchester and Barcelona (both leads for EU CIP Smart Cities projects, Manchester with ‘Smart Innovation & People – SMARTiP’ and Barcelona with ‘Open Cities’/’iCity’) Eurocities: Smart Cities Network
European cities and regions participating CIP Smart City Portfolio Projects
Networking the networks Connected Smart Cities Network Future Internet EUROCITIES, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Future Internet Assembly (FIA), FI-PPP, Digital Agenda for Europe Smart Cities & Communities (European Regions Research and Innovation Network)
Expected results from Smart City networking A European-wide community of Future Internet Innovation constiuencies (FIRE/FIA, Living Labs and Smart Cities) A common vision and shared agenda by these constiuencies Showcases to represent innovative uses and future needs of Future Internet in Smart Cities Identifying common concepts, methodologies, tools and processes enabling collaborative working for Future Internet Innovation A sustainable Connected Smart Cities Network Roadmaps and action plans for enabling Future Internet open innovation for Smart Cities
Connected Smart Cities Portfolio Network: Dissemination and networking (May – Dec. 2012) Smart Cities conference: Lisbon, May 4 th 2012; Future Internet Week, Aalborg, May 10 th 2012; UK Internet of Things conference: London, May 15 th 2012; Future Everything Festival: Manchester, May 16 th -18 th 2012; User-driven Open Innovation ecosystems go really local – across borders: smart citizens in smart cities and communities co-creating future Internet-enable services: Mechelen (Belgium), May 22 nd -23 rd 2012; Intelligent Communities Forum conference: New York, June 6 th -8th 2012; Living Labs Summer School: Helsinki, August 20 th -24 th 2012; PICNIC Multimedia Festival: Amsterdam, September 17 th -18 th 2012; Open Collaborative Networked Cities (NESTA), Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, September, 17 th - 20 th, 2012; Living Lab Expo, Porvoo, 12 th, 2012; eChallenges: Lisbon, October 17 th - 18 th 2012; EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) and the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress, Vienna October 23 rd -24 th 2012 Smart Cities Exhibition: Bologna, October 29 th -31 st 2012; EUROCITIES AGM: Nantes, November 7 th -9 th 2012.
Connected Smart Cities Network: Dissemination and networking (Jan. - June 2013) EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) annual planning meeting, Brussels, Jan. 29 th 2013; Digital Europe event on smart cities and corporate engagement, Brussels, Jan. 30 th 2013; National digital innovation event (NESTA), London, Feb. 5 th 2013; EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) spring conference, jointly with Environment Forum, Nuremburg, March 13 th /14 th 2013; Future Everything Festival, Manchester, March 21 st /22 nd 2013; Connected Smart Cities Network conference as part of Future Internet Week, Dublin, 7 th -10 th May 2013; EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) summer conference, Oulu, 17 th /18 th June 2013; ENoLL Living Labs Summer School: Manchester, August 27 th -30 th 2013; EUROCITIES AGM on the theme of “Smart Citizens”: Ghent, Nov. 28 th -29 th Plus in 2014: FIA Athens + Living Labs Summer School and conference in Amsterdam September 2 nd -5 th
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