Jenn Hunt & Stephani Foraker
Good grades is only the starting point! Important to engage in individualized experiences & department activities First-hand experience in research or applied settings Student organizations
Learn what psychology is really like Gain valuable experience for jobs or graduate school Get to know faculty members Develop skills & learn about yourself Have fun!
Psychology Club Open to all students interested in Psychology Informational & social events, speakers Spring research project Advisor: Dr. Reid
Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology Eligibility standards: High GPAs, credit hours Informational, volunteer, & social events Advisor: Dr. Foraker
Psychology Students Interested in Community Outreach (PSICO) Open to all students interested in community service Raise money to sponsor families during the holidays Advisor: Dr. DiPirro Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Open to all students interested in Human Resources Advisor: Dr. Delprino
Independent Studies (PSY 495) One semester Work closely with faculty a member Complete a research study No minimum GPA Sample topics: Body image in 6 th grade students How views of parents affect views of God Gender bias in hiring judgments Factors affecting road rage Opportunities to present and publish research
Honors Theses (PSY 496 and 498) Bigger research project - two semesters Work with committee of three faculty members Must have GPAs of 3.5+ in psychology and overall Recent topics: Social withdrawal in veterans with PTSD Academic and social adjustment of students with ADHD Prejudice against Canadians Opportunities to present and publish research
Psychology Club Research Team Research Assistant Work in faculty lab Research Participant
Field Internship (PSY 488) Complete 150 hours (12 hours per week) at community setting Weekly internship class At least second-semester junior At least 2.5 GPA Apply before registration for next semester
Internship sites include: School psychology in Niagara Falls Schools School counseling at Gateway Longview Work with refugees at Journey's End Work with serious mental illness at Transitional Services, Inc. Inpatient psychological care at Buffalo Psychiatric Center Substance abuse work at Northpointe Council
Teaching Internship (PSY 488) Assist a faculty member with a class in which you have excelled Typical duties include Leading test review sessions Holding office hours Helping with grading
Volunteer-Service Learning Courses Require service connected to course objectives & community needs hours, depending on course Can do in many departments
Volunteer for community organizations related to psychology Flexibility in # of hours Opportunities within walking distance Opportunities through Psychology Club, Psi Chi Career Development Center
Many careers in Psychology require a Masters degree or Ph.D. Clinical, counseling, school Academic researcher Consulting Very competitive – Need to plan ahead!
UNDERGRADUATE Broad education Well-rounded Class-based GRADUATE Highly focused Specialist Research/experience- based with fewer classes
UNDERGRADUATE Large number admitted 100s or 1000s / year Flexibility in final interests/major Form a good pool General qualifications & experiences GRADUATE Small number admitted Ph.D. programs: < 10/year Commitment to specific area Match with program and mentors Look for specific experiences in that field
Many parallels Lots of applications for limited positions Need experience as well as grades
Grades: High as possible >3.0 for MA, >3.5 for Ph.D Solid course preparation Likely exceed minimum requirements Research!!! Independent studies, research teams, senior thesis Applied experiences Internship Related volunteering or work Teaching
Get involved in the department Psychology Club, Psi Chi, PSICOs, SHRM Leadership positions GREs Need to do well Ongoing preparation: Read! Specific preparation: Books, courses (e.g., Kaplan)
As transfer students, you have less time, so start getting involved right away!