Barnyard Friends A Counting Game By Janie Hutcherson ECOMP 5007
The student will... Connect numerals to the quantities they represent (MKN1.a) Count a number of objects up to 30 (MKN1.b)
How many cows? 2 3 4
Great counting! There are 3 cows.
Oops! There are more than 2 cows. Try again.
No, there are fewer than 4 cows. Try again.
How many horses? 2 5 3
You are correct! There are 5 horses.
Oops! There are more than 2 horses. Try again.
Try counting again. There are more than 3 horses.
How many ducks? 2 1 3
Yes, there are 2 ducks. Way to go!
Oops! There is more than 1 duck. Try again.
Sorry, there are fewer than 3 ducks. Please try counting again.
How many goats? 0 1 2
You counted correctly! There is 1 goat.
No, there are more than 0 goats. Try again.
Oops! There are fewer than 2 goats. Try counting again.
How many pigs? 5 3 4
Way to go! You counted 4 pigs.
There are fewer than 5 pigs. Try counting again.
Oops! There are more than 3 pigs. Try again.
Fantastic! You did a great job counting all of the barnyard friends!