Computer Ethics Using Internet efficiently and productively Plagiarism, Internet addiction, Game addiction
Using Internet efficiently and productively Internet is a very powerful resource available to the society today, Tasks that took a long time earlier are now completed very fast. We can say that Internet has “Shrunk” the world. Global businesses are being carried out using tools like video conferencing and collaboration tools. This has resulted in increased efficiency and productivity. Real time applications make it possible to be up to date on information.
Internet is like a huge library. Appropriate use of a search engine can make sure that you can reach the required website in the shortest period of time. Google, Yahoo! And Bing are some popular search engines. They not only promotes learning but also generates a lot of interest in various subjects. Using Internet efficiently and productively
However the search for information can also be unproductive. The simplicity of navigating from site to site can be very distracting. While researching on topic, some times the hyperlinks take us far away from the man subject. This can lead us away from the purpose of the research and much time can be lost. Excess information could also be difficult to handle. Imagine trying to create a one page report from 100 pages of information that you mined from the Internet. Using Internet efficiently and productively
Losing yourself in the process of surfing could lead to loss of valuable time. This not only leads to wasted efforts, it can also prove to be harmful as some of the sites can make your computer vulnerable to virus attacks. So, it is very important to keep track of your time and objective while surfing. Click on hyperlinks to other pages only if required. Use help of adults to make sure that you visit only safe sites. Using Internet efficiently and productively
Avoid keeping your account or chat account opened on all the time. These can be very distracting while searching for information or while using the computer for work. Every time a message pops up, you will be tempted to read and respond to it. Using Internet efficiently and productively
Plagiarism, Internet addiction, Game addiction Plagiarism The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary gives the meaning of the word plagiaries “as to copy another person’s ideas, words or works, and pretend that they are your own” This form of copying has always been a problem for creative people like inventors, writers, poets, painters and musicians. Internet opens the doors to a very large amount of information which are not protected against copying.
All it takes is a click of few buttons, to copy the contents from any published document or website. As a student, many projects would require you to gather information about a topic. While using the Internet, read, understand and then express the matter in your words. If you wish to quote from an article, get permission from the author and mention the source of the quote. This is similar to quoting a poet or writer as a part of a written essay. Plagiarism, Internet addiction, Game addiction
At the same time, not all content on the Web is copyright protected. Some contents are in the Public Domain. Such contents are meant for free sharing and can be used by anyone without prior permission. Plagiarism, Internet addiction, Game addiction
Addiction to Internet and Gaming Internet is a ready source of instant entertainment at a low or no cost. It is a rich source of information. Many computer games and Internet content can be used to stimulate the brain and as an effective learning tool. However, very often this aspect of the Internet is overused. Anything in excess can be harmful. Being very engrossed in Internet excessively, losing track of the time and the duties to be performed, is a form of addiction..
This is growing into a worrisome problem with easy availability of powerful computers and Internet. Internet addiction Obsessive urge to check , to remain online over social networking sites and chat rooms are indications of Internet addiction. An addict will indulge in these to the neglect of necessary activities such as work or studies, play and even eating. Addiction to Internet and Gaming
Game addiction Easy availability of videogames on the computer and Internet has turned some game lovers into addicts. For such people completion of a particular level of a game becomes the topmost priority of the day to the negligence of all the other work. Some game might involve violence. It has been found that such games can influence the behavior of a person negatively. Addiction to Internet and Gaming
Whatever be the form of addiction the effects are negative in nature and have a bad impact. A student addicted to the Internet will not complete his/her homework or projects in time,since all the time would be spent on surfing the Internet. Also there would be no time for spending with family and for sports; contact with friends would be limited to that over the Internet. Addiction to Internet and Gaming
All these can lead to failing physical and mental health. Backache and other pains that arise due to bad postures sleep disorders and reduced concentration in studies are just some of the problem. Hence, it is important for all to be careful not to fall prey to addiction to game and Internet. Addiction to Internet and Gaming
Review Rules for good behavior while working on the computer and Internet are called “Netiquettes” We should always use polite language in messages and postings in websites. Include a short note about the purpose of your in The subject line of the . We should avoid typing a message in all capital letters as it implies screaming.
When used carefully internet is a useful tool that increases productivity in work. While searching for information on the Internet, we should follow only useful hyperlinks. Keeping account or chat account opened on the time can be distracting. Plagiarism is illegal copying of other people’s work; copyright laws prevent it. Internet and computer games can become addictive which is harmful.Review