1 Facilitating AIM: Bookshare and Accessible Books for TX
2 Presenter Bookshare is a project of Benetech ( a nonprofit organization whose motto is Technology Serving Humanity. Christine Jones, MBA Education Program Manager Bookshare – A Benetech Initiative 2
Agenda Bookshare as a Key Source of AIM Robust Collection of Books Many Ways to Read Membership Qualifications Accessible Textbooks Accessible Books for Texas Program Outreach Coordinators and Activities Successes to Date 3
Bookshare: Digital and Accessible Online accessible library of copyrighted eBooks for people with print disabilities Timely access to AIM Help students keep up with classmates Encourage students to read and study independently I get it! At last! 4
5 What Bookshare Offers FREE memberships for qualified U.S. students through award from OSEP 209,000 titles for people with print disabilities FREE assistive technology software 24/7 access to books
Robust, Fast Growing Collection Textbooks +4,600 NIMAC-sourced K-12 textbooks w/images College/University textbooks Classroom Reading Books Special Collections New York Times Best Sellers Newbery, Caldecott Winners +3,000 books in Spanish +170 publisher partnerships 270 nat’l/reg’l newspapers/magazines As of August
Bookshare Reading Options Download free software and books to a computer; read Computer Download books (in DAISY Text, DAISY with Images, DAISY Audio, or BRF formats) to computer, transfer to AT devices; or download directly to devices. AT Devices Read2Go: Download, read on iOS devices Go Read: Download, read on Android devices Download MP3 format for MP3 players Mobile Bookshare Web Reader: Read in an Internet browser! Web 7
8 Eligible Students DisabilityQualified/Not Qualified Examples of Competent Authorities Visual Impairment (VI) Blindness / Low vision Qualified, if confirmed by a listed Competent Authority A family doctor or other medical professional, physical therapist, resource specialist, Special Education teacher Physical Disability (PD) Qualified, if confirmed by a listed Competent Authority that the disability significantly affects the use of printed materials Learning Disability (LD) Reading Disability Qualified, if confirmed by a listed Competent Authority, that the disability has a physical basis and significantly affects the use of print Autism ADHD Emotional disabilities Intellectual disabilities Examples listed above ESL and ELL Record of disability kept at school! A family doctor, ophthalmologist, optometrist, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Special Education teacher; Certification from NLS or Learning Ally in the U.S. or similar national body in other countries A neurologist, psychiatrist, learning disability specialist, Special Education teacher, school psychologist, or clinical psychologist with a background in learning disabilities Not qualified under this diagnosis, unless accompanied by a qualifying visual, physical, learning or reading disability as certified by a Competent Authority as above
9 Easy Membership Options OrganizationalIndividual Who?U.S. Educational (Public and Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities) Non-educational (Libraries, Resource centers, Rehab agencies, Retirement communities, Group homes, Community centers, International) Qualified U.S. students of any age Qualified individuals who are not U.S. students Cost?FreePurchase book blocks Free$50/year with one- time $25 sign-up fee How to sign up? Sponsor (teacher) creates account Sponsor creates account Under 18 (parent creates); 18 and older (individual creates) Individual creates own account Who accesses books? Sponsor downloads or shares via book list Student downloads or reads online using Bookshare Web Reader Individual downloads or reads online using Bookshare Web Reader
Accessible Books for Texas TEA-funded Benetech initative Launched in April 2011 Two main focuses: Conduct training and outreach on benefits of accessible instructional materials (AIM) for K-12 students with disabilities in Texas Ensure availability of accessible versions of instructional materials acquired by TEA 10
Accessible Books for Texas Three full-time Outreach Coordinators help K-12 educators better understand: what digital accessible books are how they can help students to succeed how to obtain and use them Provide free training on AIM/Bookshare to all public K-12 schools and ESCs CPE credit available Pre- and post-training phone and support 11
ABT Successes to Date From April 2011 through August 2013: # K-12 public organizational memberships - up from 504 to 1,421 (+182%) # K-12 public school students being served - up from 5,601 to 17,455 ( + 212%) # titles downloaded by educators for K-12 public school students - up from 9,043 to 53,794 (+495%) On average, growth in TX is 2x that of U.S. +800 books added to Bookshare w/TX funds 12
ABT Outreach Coordinators Marlene Limon Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14 and 15 cell: Matt Sauthoff Regions 6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20 cell: Karen Beard Regions 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, and 17 cell:
15 Need More Help? Refer to Recorded Webinars and Online Learning Guides at bookshare.org, “Help,” then “Training” Accessible Textbooks/The NIMAC Bookshare Best Practices for Educators Tips for Large District Implementation What is Bookshare? Who is Eligible for Bookshare Membership? How Do I Sign Up My School? How Do I Get Textbooks? How Do I Read with Read:OutLoud? How Do I Read with Victor Reader Soft? Watch for upcoming live webinars Contact your ABT Outreach Coordinator 15