Or are you just a christian
The term "disciple" is derived from the Koine Greek word mathetes, [1] which means a pupil (of a teacher) or an apprentice (to a master craftsman), coming to English by way of theLatin discipulus meaning a learner while the more common English word is student. A disciple is different from an apostle, which instead means a messenger. [2][3] While a disciple is one who learns from a teacher, an apostle is one sent to deliver those teachings or a message.Koine Greek [1]apprenticeEnglishLatinapostle [2][3]
But what exactly does it mean to be a Disciple
1 John 3:10 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, t nor is the one who u does not love his brother. t u Most christians got Righteousness but does not live it What is Righteousness??
Romans 3:21-26 People receive righteousness through faith in Yahshua as Savior. Christ, the sinless Son of God, took humanity's sin upon himself and became the willing, perfect sacrifice, suffering the punishment mankind deserved. God the Father accepted Yahshua‘s sacrifice, through which human beings can become justified.faithsinGod the Fatherjustified In turn, believers receive righteousness from Christ. Christ's perfect righteousness is applied to imperfect humans. If you believe have faith in Him.
1. understand righteousness 2. Will let go of old ways of doing things and taking on new ways. 3. Don’t compromise on their Teacher’s teachings 4. Teachable heart.
Matthew 17:19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? Real disciples want to find out more and does not have to be asked to learn more, they will ask, find out, search for the answers If you have to be force fed you are not a disciple! If people still have to tell you to make time to study God’s Word...you are not a disciple.
The Lord will bless the righteous:Ps. 5:12;Ps. 5:12 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous:Ps. 34:15, 17; ( 1 Pet. 3:12; )Ps. 34:15, 171 Pet. 3:12 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:Prov. 29:2Prov. 29:2 Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness:Matt. 5:6Matt. 5:6 Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness:Matt. 6:33;Matt. 6:33 The righteous go into life eternal:Matt. 25:46;Matt. 25:46 The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much:James 5:16