Title Goes Here, 20pt Segoe UI Semibold Up To Two Lines PRESENTER NAME, TITLE DATE
Title Goes Here, 30pt Segoe UI Semibold Up To Two Lines PRESENTER NAME, TITLE DATE
Section title Speaker Name or Time MCN
Bullet slide title one line 30 point semibold MCN This is an example of body copy. Body copy is 22 point and is not capitalized or set in italic. This is an example of a content slide ‒This is where all the second level information goes ‒Here is another bullet point ‒Hyperlink: mcn.edumcn.edu First level bullets are 22 point and use a bullet point ‒Second level bullets are 18 pts in size ‒Use a highlight color when emphasizing words, do not italicize
Text + image slide This is an example of text plus a supporting image. Second level bullet ‒Third level bullet ‒Here is another bullet point ‒Hyperlink: mcn.edumcn.edu MCN
Media slide This is an example of a slide with media – vimeo, youtube or other video content. Second level bullet ‒Third level information ‒Here is another bullet point ‒Hyperlink: mcn.edumcn.edu MCN
This is a photo + caption slide. Caption goes here. 12pt Segoe UI, up to two lines. MCN
Title only slide for custom content MCN
Transition statement 60pt Segoe UI Semibold Up to three lines Attribution line, Segoe UI 20pt Up to two lines MCN
Thank you MCN