The History Of Animation By Koolkid10
Animation Cut Out Animation Drawn Animation Computer Animation Stop Motion Animation Animation has changed through out the years here are the types of Animation. Here is some examples of films that have animated by computers
Drawn Animation Drawn Animation is were every corner,character or background has been drawn by hand or it could be only some has been drawn by hand and some is real
Computer Animation Computer Animation is were everything is done by computers and its not very quick because you have to make the backgrounds and characters your self
Stop Motion Animation Stop Motion Animation is were you have a camera and you stop and move the characters then you stop and move the characters your self they take longer to make but its all worth it
Cut-Out Animation Cut-out Animation is the oldest type of Animation and it is hard to do because you have to cut out you characters and cut out shapes and put them together too
The History Of Animation Thats all now you know about all the types of animation so GOOD BYE :)