Integrated Methods and Models for Assessing Coastal Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change in Fiji and the Cook Islands (AIACC Project SIS09) Conducted by: Pacific Centre for Sustainable Environment and Development (PACE), The University of the South Pacific In collaboration with: International Global Change Institute (IGCI), The University of Waikato and the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Three Linked Objectives 1.New tools for integrated assessment 2.Case study applications 3.Capacity building Focus on: Local scale assessment Coastal settlements Risks from variability and extremes
New Tools for Integrated Assessment OBJECTIVE 1: Build upon the foundation of models already developed for islands of the Pacific Suitability for Taro Growing For example, the existing FijiCLIM model:
Human dimensions components Capacity for local-scale modelling Scenarios of future development and land use change Local sea-level rise scenario generator Improved coastal impact modelling Adaptation analysis Economic tools New Model Features OBJECTIVE 1 (con’t.)
Progress… OBJECTIVE 1 (con’t.) Flexibility to choose area and resolution and easily input local spatial climate patterns and site data Human dimensions components Capacity for local-scale modelling Scenarios of future development and land use change Local sea-level rise scenario generator Improved coastal impact modelling Adaptation analysis Economic tools
Progress… OBJECTIVE 1 (con’t.) Human dimensions components Capacity for local-scale modelling Scenarios of future development and land use change Local sea-level rise scenario generator Adaptation analysis Economic tools Combine global, regional and local sea-level components Local trends Suva tide gauge data
Case Study Applications OBJECTIVE 2: Collect data, develop baselines Test and validate methods and models Conduct integrated V&A assessments
OBJECTIVE 2 (con’t.) Viti Levu, Fiji Natadola Beach Veivatuloa Tourism site Undeveloped Erosion and storm surge risks Navua Town site Growth potential Low-lying Riverine and coastal flood risks Traditional Fijian village Experiencing erosion Case Study Applications
Aitutaki, Cook Islands Rapidly developing tourism Experiencing erosion Storm surge risks Risks to water supply Case Study Applications OBJECTIVE 2 (con’t.)
Capacity Building In-country training and participation Transfer of data and tools Incorporate methods and models into the USP V&A Programme OBJECTIVE 3:
Stakeholder engagement: Country Team Approach OBJECTIVE 3 (con’t) Local council & leaders Other climate projects (e.g. CIDA) Private sector National team AIACC support Scientific expertise Data Methods & tools Aitutaki Climate Change Team SIS09 Team Improved local, risk-based assessments A locally-driven adaptation process
- SIS09 - Developed framework for local-scale modelling Developing sea-level scenario generator Identified case study sites Begun process of stakeholder engagement Identified local risks and priorities Data collection in progress SUMMARY OF PROGRESS