Leonardo da Vinci, Facial Proportion, and the Self-Portrait
What is the title of this painting? This painting is probably the most famous portrait in the entire world! It was painted by an artist named Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo was a master at making his paintings look like the person he was trying to paint.
I hope you guessed… The Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo once wrote, “Know the proportions in human beings and other animals and learn the forms of all things on the earth. The more you know, the better you will paint.”
Leo’s Notebook Leonardo was constantly taking notes about the world around him. He filled many notebooks with sketches of animals, people, and nature. He took many measurements and was always trying to find a perfect balance so that his art had proportion.
Another Drawing from Leo’s Notebook:
What is Proportion? Simply… More Specifically… Proportion means that you make the parts fit well with each other. More Specifically… Proportion in art is the relationship between two or more elements. When we talk about proportion in art works we are using comparing the size of one object in the artwork to the size of another related object in the artwork. You can also compare: height, width and depth of the objects size of one area to the size of another area amount of space between two or more elements Proportion is usually not even noticed until something is out of proportion. For example, if a person has a head larger than their entire body, then we would say that they were out of proportion. Good Proportion Out of Proportion
Other works with excellent Proportion:
The Self-Portrait: Here’s a drawing Leonardo drew of himself as an old man. A picture that an artist makes of him/herself is called a self-portrait.
Face Mapping Face Mapping is a technique used to set up the proportion of the features on a face.
By drawing lines that act as guides, you can figure out where parts go and how large they should be. This will help make your face look more realistic. With some practice, maybe you’ll be the next Leonardo da Vinci!
LET’S LEARN PROPORTION Get out your sketchbook and a pencil!
Drawing your Self-Portrait: The Camera The Human Eye Drawing your Self-Portrait: Eyes What shape are eyes?
Drawing your Self-Portrait: The Camera The Human Eye Drawing your Self-Portrait: Pupil = Black part of your eye, located in the center of your iris, allows light into your eye so you can see Parts of the eye Tear Duct = Little pink bump where your tears come out Eyeball = White part of your eye Iris = Colored part of your eye Click here to learn more about the human eye: http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/eyes.html
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