Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Sale & Last Payment Mrs. Brannen
Fundraising Dates Students have from March 20 (today) to April 9, 2013 to bring the money. Doughnuts will be deliver on Thursday April 11, 2013 Spring Break
Fundraising Money The price of each box will be 8 dollars regardless of the flavor. For every box you sell $ 5 dollars will go towards the account when you sell glazed doughnuts. For every box you sell $ 3 dollars will go towards the account when you sell any other kind of doughnuts that is not glazed, such as chocolate. This time the money will go to the team’s account so we can purchase the two charter buses. Our goal is to sell between boxes. There will be no other fundraising activity after this one.
Price for all doughnuts will be the same $ 8 dollars. However the profits will vary; $5 dollars per glazed boxed and $ 3 for all others.
Tips for the sale Keep the sale simple, offer glazed and maybe chocolate glazed at first. Bring your final list and the money as soon as we get back from Spring Break. You will be receiving a new form with all the flavors beginning tomorrow 3/21/2013. Say “Thank you” to your client for their help.
FINAL EPCOT PAYMENT All individual payments are due by April 19, Please keep in mind that we need a month to do finish all transactions with Disney and hopefully with the charter buses. Our trip is schedule for May 17, 2013.
Let the journey begin……