Sand Sculptures By: Kristin Bartz
History of Sand Sculpting It is commonly believed that the first artists to actually profit from their sand sculpting abilities surfaced in Atlantic City, NJ in the late 19th century. Spectators walking along the boardwalk would throw tip to the artists By the early 1900s, word had gotten around that there was money in sand sculpture and enterprising "artistes" could be found at nearly every block -- so much so that the town began to view them as a nuisance. In 1944 a hurricane ripped up the Boardwalk and demolished the sand dunes. The city government saw the change in landscape as an opportunity to ban sand-sculpting along the boardwalk, a law that has yet to be enforced. But modern day sand sculpture really started in California in the early '70's with the teaming up of Gerry Kirk and Todd VanderPluym, collectively known as Sand Sculptors International (SSI). This team set the standard for the art form by organizing teams of sculptors to create incredibly huge and detailed replicas of famous castles and fantasy architecture.
The Creative Process The creative process begins by drawing a rough sketch of the sculpture you'd like to build. Then, choose a square site in the sand near the water, but not so close that waves will destroy your creation the instant the tide comes up. Make sure the square is large enough to accommodate your building plans. The sand is densely compacted with a tamper inside wood forms. The forms are then removed, leaving a densely compacted block of sand. Then you climb up onto the forms and remove the top form first revealing a block of densely compacted sand. The forms act as scaffolding while you carve the upper levels of the sculpture You then begin carving. Once you are finished with the top block, you remove the next level down and continue the process. Because the sand is compacted, as it dries it becomes more stable, similar to the way nature makes sandstone...
Step-By-Step Process Base Form is Assembled Making and leveling off a depression Base is filled with sand and water A wet stacked tower is placed on top to compact the sand The top form is removed and the sculpture begins to take shape All forms are removed, the details are added and the sculpture is complete
Creative Process Cont. Not everyone uses wood or plastic forms. This is a technique where very wet sand is stacked to form the desired shape for carving. Among the many different tools used by the sculptors, drinking straws are great for adding some amazing detail where a knife would be too clumsy
Sand Sculptures International Sand sculptures can now be found in more than 100 countries and regions, especially in popular coastal cities. Sand sculptures have become one of the most popular itineraries during sea visits. Meanwhile, the art has also spread to the inland cities. Over the past few years, the art has aroused widespread interest in Asia -- with Japan, Singapore and China as hosts to various sand sculpture contests. Sand sculpting is also a marginal art -- an variety of the elements of sculpting, painting, construction and outdoor recreation. Requiring no professional training, the art can be taken up by anyone. Sand sculpting is known as a fashionable, healthy and exciting for leisure and entertainment purposes. Australian Sand Sculpture
World Record Holder 2003
Neptune Festival At the North American Sand Sculpting Championship, sand sculpturing is an art form. The Virginia Beach Neptune Festival, which includes the Sand Sculpting Championship, was named after Neptune, the Roman god of the sea. Both professionals and amateurs come to the Neptune Festival to compete in the sand sculpting competition. They start by using water to hold the sand together. Buckets, shovels, sprayers, wheelbarrows, ladders, and garden tools help make the sand sculptures. Cake cutters, pallet knives, spoons, and even melon- ballers are also used. Natural seashore items such as shells and seaweed are used for decorations. Neptune's Face
Neptune Festival
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What is Art? I believe that art can be any expression of creativity or imagination. I think the definition of art directly relates to the quote “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”