Unification of Germany
Prussian Leadership The Congress of Vienna had created the German Confederation which consisted of 38 independent states. Prussia would lead the unification movement.
Otto Von Bismarck The Iron Chancellor Bismarck was determined to unify Germany under the leadership of Prussia. To unify Germany Bismarck would follow a policy of “blood and iron”.
The Prussian Army Bismarck forced the Reichstag to approve his army budget. Bismarck created and used a powerful army to remove all obstacles to unification
Count Helmuth Von Moltke Was named chief of the Prussian General Staff in Von Moltke engineered the military successes Bismarck would need to unify Germany.
German Unity This is a French political cartoonist view of the ruthless means employed by Bismarck to obtain German unity.
Austro - Prussian War 1866 The Seven Weeks War Austrian domination of the German States ended. The northern German States combined into a confederation.
The Franco Prussian War Bismarck provoked France into declaring war against Prussia. EMS dispatch The four remaining German States fueled by nationalism join the Prussia in it’s war against France.
Bismarck Dictates Peace Terms Franco - Prussian War resulted in a humiliating defeat for France. France was forced to : Pay an indemnity of 5 billion gold Francs. Support a German army of occupation.
Alsace and Lorraine France would also surrender the territories of Alsace and Lorraine. The humiliating defeat and surrender terms would lead to the French people wanting revenge against Germany.
The Unification Of Germany 1871 On January 18, 1871 at the Palace of Versailles King William I of Prussia was crowned Emperor of a united Germany. Bismarcks plans to unify Germany were now complete.
Germany Under Bismarck Bismarck pursued policies of : nationalism industrialization social reform the isolation of France through forming alliances with Britian and Russia.
Social Policies Bismarck knew that the loyalty of industrial workers was the key to keeping Germany strong. Bismarck provided workers with: health insurance,accident benefits, money at retirement.
Kaiser Wilhelm II Was unwilling to share power and forced Bismarck to resign. Wilhelm’s policies allowed France to form alliances with England and France. Set the stage for WWI