Unification of Germany Vereinheitlichung von Deutschland!!!!
Problems: Austria opposed any attempt at unifying Germany Feared it would lose influence in the German States A unified Germany would give Austria a run for its money militarily and economically France and Russia felt the same way: Did not want a strong power in the center of Europe Many small German states feared unity because of their religion Catholic states vs. Protestant states Agricultural states vs. industrial states
Prussia: a lot like Sardinia in the 1700’s Controlled quite a bit of Germany but not all of it Had a strong King and Noble class called: Junkers Very structured highly disciplined government and army
Prussia: The Industrial Revolution Greatly increased power of Prussia Prussia has vast reserves of coal that would fuel the industrial revolution Coal began a prosperous iron and steel industry Coal, iron and steel were the backbone of railroads and the military
Militarism The glorification of the military and the readiness for war
King William I Wanted to continue the Prussian tradition of Militarism Appointed Otto Von Bismarck as Prime Minister and minister of Foreign Affairs Von Bismarck = Prussian Cavour
“Blood and Iron” Bismarck and William both wanted a unified Germany under a Prussian government (King) Bismarck: “Germany does not look to Prussia’s liberalism, but to her power” Will unite her “not with speeches and majority decisions but blood and iron.” Warfare and military
Realpolitik Whatever political action thought necessary German for realism in politics Necessary political action whether or not legal or ethical Constitution and the Prussian parliament refused Bismark the taxes he needed for a unification war Collected them anyway and raised an army
First Steps to unification: To destroy Austria Bismarck first made an alliance with it to take the Danish provinces of Schleswig and Holstein Although fierce resistance Prussian and Austrian armies overrun the territories The treaty that ended the war gave Holstein to Austria Prussia would administer Schleswig
Alliances before the War with Austria: Prussia had helped Russia with an uprising in Poland Russia is out Promised a few small territories to France France is out Venetia to Italy if they support Prussia Italy is out (well, in… they join briefly against Austria)
War! A small dispute over Holstein provokes Austria into war Austria marches troops into Holstein
Militarism at work: Prussia The rail system facilitates large quick troop movements
Militarism at work: Prussia The rail system facilitates large quick troop movements Highly disciplined army Brilliant leadership First real use of “semi automatic” weapons: Needle gun 5 rounds per minute
Needle gun:
Outcome of the 7 Weeks War 7 weeks and Prussia stomps Austria Prussia annexes Schleswig and Holstein 1 year later, sensing the tide, 21 German states north of the Main River join Prussia in a North German Confederation
The driving force in the 21 nations joining? Nationalism
Tension in the South Alsace Lorraine, Wurtemberg, Hohenzollern, Bavaria Mainly Catholic Didn’t like the Protestantism of the North Feared control by France even more Becoming surrounded by very large powerful nations
Bismarck Convinces the southern states to enter into a military alliance with Prussia to protect against the French Bismarck believed that a war with the French would drive the southern states into a full on political alliance
Realpolitik Bismarck Attempts to put a Hohenzollern on the throne of Spain Cousin of William I French as you can imagine, not to happy about being surrounded by Prussia French send an ambassdor to William demanding that no Hohenzollern would accept Spanish throne William refuses Sends a telegram to Bismarck of meeting
Realpolitik Bismarck edits the telegram to make it seem like the two nations insulted each other
Realpolitik Bismarck edits the telegram to make it seem like the two nations insulted each other Nations feel they are insulted by each other and clamored for war
War!!! French declare war on July 15, 1870
France: Crushed by Germany… the first in a long line of defeats of the French by Germany Napoleon III taken prisoner, all resistance crushed French give up Alsace Lorraine
The Dominoes fall William I proclaimed Kaiser or Emporer of the new German Empire Includes all members of the North German Confederation The Southern German States Alsace-Lorraine
Lasting Results The French HAAAAAATTTTTEEEEEE!!!! The Germans Re: WWI and WWII