EOD - the eBooks on Demand (EOD) network Silvia Gstrein, University of Innsbruck/A (UIBK), Library


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Presentation transcript:

EOD - the eBooks on Demand (EOD) network Silvia Gstrein, University of Innsbruck/A (UIBK), Library

 University of Innsbruck  Library  Dept. for Digitisation & Electronic Preservation  Participation in national and international projects, e.g. METAe, reUSE, IMPACT, ARROW, PrestoPrime, EuropeanaConnect,…  Other digitisation projects: English Dialect Dictionary, Innsbruck newspaper archive, IPACs, German theses,...

Table of content  Short overview of service  Who takes part?  Where can the digitisation of books be ordered?  Where do the generated PDFs end up?  Additional services?

What is EOD?

 Digital document supply service  Books  Public domain  High quality digitisation, cover to cover  Simple question: how can someone who needs a book in digital form receive this book, here and now, if it has not yet been digitized? [source:

EOD – the service EOD button: digitising this book on request Incorporation into Digital Library & Europeana Library: scans & transfers images

EOD: The Libraries‘ point of view  Order Data Manager  Central database with web-interface  Administration of orders and generation of eBooks  Each library with access to its own orders only  Generation of automated s to customers  Customer: Tracking page with status update  Order form and tracking page in > 10 languages  Central management of credit card payments

EOD: The Libraries‘ point of view  Digital Object Generator  Central service for generating eBooks  Transfer of scanned images from library to central service via FTP  OCR recognition (antiqua and gothic)  Automated cover generation  PDF & RTF delivery  Abbyy XML for library  Streaming link for download generation

ODMODM (Order Data Manager)

Who is currently offering the service?

Project history  EU project „Digitisation on Demand“ October 2006 – June 2008  Start 2007 with 13 libraries in 8 countries  Market validation and pilot implementations  July 2008: Start of self sustained network  : co-funding

 > 25 libraries, 12 countries  Co-ordinator and central service: University of Innsbruck, Library

EOD libraries Austria University Libraries of Innsbruck, Graz and Vienna (2x), Vienna City Library, St. Pölten Diocese Archives Germany Bavarian State Library (Munich), University Libraries of Regensburg, Greifswald, Berlin (Humboldt University), Leipzig, Saxon State Library (Dresden) DenmarkRoyal Library EstoniaNational Library, University Library of Tartu FranceMedical and Dental Academic Library of Paris Hungary National Széchényi Library of Hungary, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science PortugalNational Library SlovakiaUniversity Library of Bratislava, Slovak Academy of Sciences SloveniaNational and University Library SwedenUniversity Library of Umeå SwitzerlandNational Library of Switzerland Czech Republic Moravian Library (Brno), Research Library in Olomouc, National Technical Library, Library of the Czech Academy

 Network overview: Website

Where can the digitisation of books be ordered?

 Examples of catalogues: – Swiss National Library:  Robinson –Digitised Image Catalogues:  University of Innsbruck University of Innsbruck –Union Catalogues:  Bavarian Library Network BV Bavarian Library Network  Common Library Network GBV Common Library Network GBV  Austrian Union Catalogue Austrian Union Catalogue

EOD in „The European Library“

Where do the generated PDFs end up?

 Repositories overview: Website  Examples: –Research Library of OlomoucResearch Library of Olomouc –University of InnsbruckUniversity of Innsbruck

EOD & EuropeanaConnect –Delivery of metadata of EOD eBooks to Europeana –Prototype of Print on Demand in Europeana  Goal: –First books will be delivered early

How can Europeana benefit?  User driven & selected textual material  Broad (and growing) range of countries and libraries  Access to –high quality content –important content –content from libraries without (harvestable) repository

Facts & Figures  Quantities: –4000 books = approx. 1 Mio pages –2000 customers –2 out of 3 cost estimations accepted –Top 3 libraries: 1 request / working day –Quite big differences between libraries  Delivery time –average 7 working days  Average price of order –about 5-10 EUR basic fee + 0,15–0,30 EUR per page

Prices  Overview: –  Why charge anyway? –In an ideal world, the libraries would digitise for free –But…

Financing possibilities ? Library‘s own funds Public funds EC/national funds Private or commercial sponsors / the Google approach Any other model possible?  Not project based  Not timely limited  Bottom up = reader driven Any other model possible?  Not project based  Not timely limited  Bottom up = reader driven

–only co-funding by user:  only part of actual scanning and OCR license costs covered –no overheads covered –no long term preservation costs covered –Etc.

Additional services?

Used functions of EOD files (in % of respondents; n = 181, source: EOD user survey 2008)

Reprints I From a customer’s point of view: just one more click.

Reprints II  Central service tasks –Image enhancement –Creation of pre-press PDF, ONIX file and cover file –Delivery to print service provider(s) –Contracts with service provider(s)

Any plans for the future?

Future perspective: More visibility  What we will realise:  More libraries, hopefully more countries  Other type of institutions: e.g archives  Central search engine for books available for EOD service  Beta version Beta version  Pilot with OCLC Worldcat for implementation of EOD button  Planned start: next months

Future perspective: More „on demand“ products  What we would like to realise:  Digitisation on demand for blind and visually impaired  Creation of „real“ eBooks with corrected full text approximating 100% accuracy

The 20 th century black hole?

 Some ideas –Individual agreements with publishers –Making use of extended collective licenses –ARROW - Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works   Tool to carry out diligent search querying databases (right holder databases, books in print databases)  Prototypes for Germany, France, Spain and UK

Thank you for your attention!