Dead Sea Scrolls – Class 1
“The greatest manuscript discovery of modern times.” - William Foxwell Albright
Geza Vermes
Khirbet Qumran
Bedouin Boy
Cave 1 discovered 1947 Book of Isaiah Rule of the Community Pesher Habakkuak Genesis Apocryphon Thanksgiving Hymns, sectarian prayers Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness Another scroll of Isaiah Prof. Eleazar Sukenik St. Mark’s Monastery
Also on November 20, 1947 Professor Eliezer Sukenik Kando
also on November 29, 1947
Classified Ad, The Wall Street Journal, June 1, 1954
Yigael Yadin ( ) “I cannot avoid the feeling that there is something symbolic in the discovery of the scrolls and their acquisition at the moment of the creation of the State of Israel. It is as if these manuscripts had been waiting in caves for two thousand years, ever since the destruction of Israel’s independence, until the people of Israel had returned to their home and regained their freedom. This symbolism is heightened by the fact that the first three scrolls were bought by my father for Israel on 29th November, 1947, the very day on which the United Nations voted for the re-creation of the Jewish state in Israel after two thousand years. These facts may have influenced my approach to the scrolls. It was a tremendously exciting experience, difficult to convey in words, to see the original scrolls and to study them, knowing that some of the Biblical manuscripts were copied only a few hundred years after their composition, and that these very scrolls were read and studied by our forefathers in the period of the Second Temple. They constitute a vital link—long lost and now regained—between those ancient times, so rich in civilized thought, and the present day. And just as a Christian reader must be moved by the knowledge that here he has a manuscript of a sect whom the early Christians may have known and by whom they may have been influenced, so an Israeli and a Jew can find nothing more deeply moving than the study of manuscripts written by the People of the Book in the Land of the Book more than two thousand years ago.”
Inside Cave 4
Jar that held some Scrolls
Temple Scroll
Shrine of the Book, Jerusalem
Sons of Light vs. Sons of Darkness
Most Popular Books in Scrolls Books No. found Psalms 39 Deuteronomy33 1Enoch 25 Genesis 24 Isaiah 22 Jubilees21 Exodus18 Leviticus17 Numbers11 Minor Prophets10 Daniel8 Jeremiah6 Ezekiel6 Job6 1 & 2 Samuel4
Types of Books in Scrolls 1.Books of the Bible 2.Books of the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and other books common to all Jews of Second Temple period (prayers, mystical writings, biblical commentary) 3.Sectarian books belonging to the sect only
Khirbet Qumran
Map of the Qumran “Monastery”
Digital Reconstruction of Qumran