* Al-Khwarazmi’s Life * Al-Khwarazmi’s Contributions Algebra Arithmetic Astronomy Geography Other works Al-Khwarazmi’s books about Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography and History His works about Arithmetic, Geography and Astronomy
* His actual name is Abū ʿ Abdallāh Mu ḥ ammad ibn Mūsā al- Khwārizmī. * It is considered that he was born in 780 and he was died in 850 in Baghdad. * He was left Khorezm to learn science and he went to Baghdad. Here, he took the courses from Islamic scholars and improved oneself.
* Al-Khwārizmī was received great help and support from al-Ma ʾ mūn who was Abbasid Caliph. * Al-Khwārizmī worked in Baghdad as a scholar at the House of Wisdom established by Caliph al-Ma ʾ mūn.
* Al-Khwārizmī determined the rules of solving first and second order equations by the analytical methods for the first time. * He also determined the rules of solving equation with one unknown by the algebraic and geometric methods.
* In mathematics, he used the number of zero for the first time. * For the first time, he revealed science of algebra methodical and systematic. * He found the today’s computer science and digital electroincs which is the basis of 2(binary) number system.
* He wrote a book in 825 and this book was translated into Latin with the name of “Algoritmi de Numero Indorum”. * Because of the fact that his name was known as “Algoritmi” in Europe, the term “Algorithm ” was derived from his name.
* He gathered the calculations belong to diameter of Earth in his book named “Kitab Surat Al-Arz”.
Al-Khwārizmī’ s Books Mathematics El- Kitab’ul Muhtasar fi’l Hesab’il Cebri ve’l Mukabele Kitab al-Muhtasar fil Hisab el-Hind El-Mesahat Astronomy Zîc-ul Harezmî Kitab al-Amal bi'l Usturlab Kitab'ul Ruhname
Geography Kitab surat al-arz History Kitab’ul Tarih
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