First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Rome. April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Department for Environmental Research and Development THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES
THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Introductive notes by the Chair Luciana Sinisi Rome, Italy - April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Department for Environmental Research and Development
THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Rome, Italy - April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea 1. AGENDA STRUCTURE: overall rationale and expected meeting results
THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Rome, Italy - April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea REVISED AGENDA and expected outcomes (21 st morning session) 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Adoption of the agenda 3. Environmental health determinants in extreme weather events (former item 5) >>> WHO Presentation – currents scenarios and health related issues 4. Mandate and objectives of the Task Force (former item 3) a. Institutional background: UNECE and WHO presentations b. Participants discussion and endorsement on outcomes of the Task Force (Chair)
THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Rome, Italy - April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea REVISED AGENDA and Expected outcomes (21 st afternoon session) 5. Cooperation with the Protocol’s Task Force on Surveillance and the Task Force on Water and Climate established under the Water Convention (former item 4) Presentation by the TF Chairs 6.Health related aspects of water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events and adaptation to climate change: experience from Countries. a. Presentations by WHO, Hungary, Italy b. SHARING EXPERIENCES: interventions by all participants (see background document “guidance for interventions”)
THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Rome, Italy - April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea REVISED AGENDA and expected outcomes (22 nd morning session) a. Introduction of the framework of the strategy paper b. Discussion for contributions of the TF to the strategy paper (what, who, how (meeting? mail ?) Item 7: (JOINT) Adaptation strategy paper to reduce current vulnerability of climate change and integrate health risk reduction in long term adaptation planning
THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION AND USE OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATERCOURSES AND INTERNATIONAL LAKES First meeting of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events Rome, Italy - April 21-22, 2008 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea REVISED AGENDA and expected outcomes (22 nd afternoon session) Item 8: Contribution of the Task Force to the 5 th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health (Italy, fall 2009) - presentation by Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Item 9: Future work and dates a. 1 st deadline Joint international Workshop July 1-2, 2008 Amsterdam Meeting WG Water and Health (Protocol) June 26-27, 2008, Geneva b. organization and time line of the different actvities and contributions endorsed during the meeting