Why we do it?
Responsibility of PT leaders Intent of PT PT Basics Program Creation
PT leaders – write down the names of one good PTer and one Bad PTer!
“Know yourself and seek self improvement” Be committed BAMCIS – planning is everything “Keep your Marines informed” Don’t waste their time They were ordered to show up, now challenge them. “By virtue of my rank, I serve those beneath me” ▪ LT Mainz – 2/7 Identify weak points
Experience all exercises Participate but ensure supervision Don’t keep too long in one position Avoid long explanations Lessen demand on voice, yell from diaphragm, not voice box.
“To prepare Marines (and MIDN) to withstand the rigors of combat” Sailors in combat? news/ _navy17m.html news/ _navy17m.html How do/should we do this? Combat Conditioning and Integration Training Running in sweats and shorts?
Warm Up – 1/2mile run then stretches Exercise - within NSTC regs An effective intensity/speed will drop 75-80% of group Continuous! Dirt is good! Punish the good and the bad! Cool Down – slow jog and stretches
A good program involves all principles of Physical Conditioning Progression – systematic increase in load ▪ 100m, 200m, 400m sprints Regularity – 3-5 times per week Overload – overloading increases capacity Variety – mix it up Balance – equal strength, endurance, mobility Specificity – specific to certain goals
Sample Wk 1 ▪ Day 1 ▪ 2-mile Circuit course with one exercise (fireman’s carry, suicides, and bodybuilders) every ½ mile. ▪ Day 2 ▪ 2.5-mile Circuit Course with one exercise (Body squats, low crawl, and 4-min planks) every ½ mile. Wk 2 ▪ Day 1 ▪ 3-mile Circuit Course, etc…
Exercises Dirty Dogs Dive Bombers Hello Dollies Star Jumpers Stat. Squats Pushups Standing Situps Chatarunga Run Gorilla Run Crab Walk High Crawl Bear Crawl Belt Drag Two-man carry Leap Frogs
Aspects Team Work Unit Cohesion Give a mission Indian Runs Boots and Utes Full Cammies Injuries Have alt exercises Skills Running. Jumping. Dodging. Climbing and Traversing. Crawling. Throwing. Vaulting. Carrying. Balancing. Falling.
MCO P – PFT/BCP Manual MCO P – MC Physical Fitness Program MCRP 3-02A – Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat DODINST DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Program Procedures